Chapter Sixty-Four

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It was weird to know that I had had a vision, just like Aya. But at the same time, it was a little exciting to know that my powers were starting to expand and grow stronger. Though, maybe Aya was right, perhaps we were connected somehow.

"Let's say we are connected, why did we both have that vision?" I asked.

Aya shrugged. "To prevent the Wyres from getting my dad and making the virus," she said.

I glanced around, there was something off. All the Wyre soldiers were gone, even the bodies on the ground. Camden was still chained, but she was out cold.

"This, isn't right..." I started to say. Everything around me was starting to spin into ugly masses of blurred colors. "I—I don't," I tried to say, but I felt like I was going to fall over. I grabbed onto Lake's arm to keep myself balanced. "I don't feel well." I managed to say before falling over into the grass.

I was out cold, but I wasn't sure for how long. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. Someone was screaming my name.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Lake and Aya standing over me. "What happened?" I asked.

I grabbed onto both of their hands and lifted myself off the ground. I still felt dizzy. I started to walk slowly, but my right foot stepped a little far to the side forcing me to stumble. Aya caught me before I could fall on my face.

"You passed out," Aya explained.

I hadn't remembered why, but it was all starting to come back to me. I hadn't been feeling good and now, I was starting to feel bad again.

"You don't look so good," Lake commented.

"I feel weird, maybe it was something I ate," I said.

"Wait—" Trevor interjected. "What if it's the Wyres?"

"Seriously?" I almost scoffed at the whole idea. "This is the dumbest organization."

"Maybe he's right. What if they poisoned you?" Aya asked.

I folded my arms to keep myself balanced. The more I thought about it, the more I felt about passing out again. Then a new symptom appeared. My cheeks were hot and burning, like someone had rubbed acid on them.

"My face is on fire," I said.

"See," Trevor said. "Look at how red her face is."

So, there was something actually wrong with me and it wasn't all in my head. The burning increased in intensity. It felt like parts of my skin were slowly being torn apart. I lifted my index finger to touch my cheek. A sticky substance drenched my finger. I looked down. It was a deep maroon.

"Oh my god, Rayne," Lake shouted. "Someone go get some wet towels!"

That was the last thing I remembered before I was out cold again. 

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now