Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Piper's funeral was beyond depressing. It's not like I had known her that well, but it was sad to see her go out like that. No one deserved that, especially not her. When we got back to our suite, I parked myself back on the couch. This day just needed to be over.

As soon as my head hit the cushion, thoughts started to swirl around in my mind, like a tornado. Camden. The Wyres. Serina. Everything.

Was Serina really responsible for the lasers that killed Piper?

It was hard to be convinced that she wasn't guilty, especially after what Camden had shown me. She had produced some pretty convincing evidence against Serina, that it made it hard for me to believe that Serina had our best interest at heart. 

Boots clanking against the marble floor, forced me to sit up. It was just Lake. I should have known. She had a thing for wearing those boots.

"I was told to give you this," she said revealing a small padded envelope in her hands.

I got up and walked over to her. "What's that?" I asked.

She shrugged. "Dunno. Camden said it was important though."

"Thanks," I said as I took the package into my own hands. It was weird that Camden couldn't give it to me herself.

"Well, are you going to stand there, or are you going to open it?" She asked, her matted lips forming a smirk.

I realized I had been standing there like an idiot. Lake seemed to be really curious, that's why she was still standing there. My fingers began to dig underneath the adhesive in the envelope. Was it the best idea for me to be opening this in front of Lake? Probably not. Then again, if I didn't, it would just raise her suspicions.

The whole time I was lifting the tab on the envelope, I could feel the heat of Lake's eyes on me. I didn't mind it, I just really hoped it wasn't something to do with the Wyres. I highly doubted it. Camden was careful. She wouldn't have done something as careless as hand the package to Lake if it contained sensitive information.

My eyebrows knitted together trying to get a peek of what was inside. It was like opening up a birthday present, without being excited. I reached inside, my fingers felt fabric, maybe polyester mixed with metal.

"What is it?" Lake asked still standing over my shoulder.

I pulled out what looked like two gloves. "Gloves, I think," I said. Setting the envelope down on the coffee table, I tried on the gloves. They fit perfectly, cuddling each of my fingers. "Yep, definitely gloves." I turned around and noticed Lake had pulled out a note from the envelope.

Lake started reading. "Rayne, for your arthritis."

I hadn't told Camden about my arthritis, so how could she have known?

"I'm sure Serina, could get you your meds," Lake suggested.

I laughed a little, even though I hadn't meant to. "I'm not so sure about that," I said. I grinned at Lake. I didn't want her to think I was laughing at her.

Lake crinkled one of her blonde brows. "You're not a fan, I'm guessing?"

I looked down at my shoes and shook my head. I wasn't sure if I should talk anymore. Lake was cool. I really liked talking to her, but I wasn't sure if I was giving away too much information.

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now