Chapter Fifty-Three

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      Aya was pretty much our leader, which was fine. She was good at giving people orders. After al,l she had foresight. I was also glad she partnered me with Lake. We made a great team. She was smart. Not just regular smart. Einstein next-level smart. She loved computers just as I did.

      Lake did seem stressed out though. I couldn't help, but stare at her, that's how awkward I was.

      "What?" She asked.

      "I had an idea, you about your princess suite," I told her.

      "We're supposed to be looking out for Aya's commands," she said.

      "I know, but I think this will really help everyone out," I said.

      She sat back in her chair, ready to judge me. "Okay, shoot."

      "Watch this," I said pulling up a holographic screen. I typed in the password and a bunch of coding appeared on the screen. For most people, it looked like a foreign language, but for me, it was something I almost understood better than English.

      "Don't do anything if Aya hasn't told us to—" She interrupted.

      "Calm down," I said. "I'm just showing it to you."

      I pressed a few more keys and a new set of coding appeared. After a few more seconds, of pounding at the keys, the screen changed to rows and rows of cartoon princesses.

      "That's it?" Lake sounded unimpressed.

      "Just wait for it," I said and pressed enter twice. "Are you ready?"

      She nodded and crossed her arms.

      I pressed enter again and this time the princesses changed to skulls. Lake sat up forward, her eyes grew wide. "How did you do that?" She asked. "Can I look at the coding?"

      I nodded. "Go for it," I said switching seats with her.

      She stared at the screen intently, while scrolling up and down. "I was wrong, this is quite impressive," she said. "You've totally metamorphosed my original coding."

      "It's still a work in process. It was going to be my senior thesis," I told her. "Just don't press any buttons or you could activate it," I said.

      "That gives me an idea," she said.

      She typed in some more coding and I began to get nervous. So much for waiting for Aya's orders. I glanced out the tower windows. Our people were struggling with the Wyres.

      "What are you doing?" I asked.

      "We can do something now, to help them out," she said pressing a few more buttons. "Done." She formed a huge grin. "Look out the window and watch."

      Many of the Wyre soldiers were wearing helmets and masks to protect their heads. Those wearing them were swatting their hands around like there was a flock of bees swarming around them. They started to run around in circles, going crazy.

      "Guys, what's going on?" Aya asked over the intercom.

      "It's fine, don't worry about it," Lake responded.

      The soldiers who were running around were starting to fall to the ground. The other Wyres seemed confused.

      "Are they dead?" Aya asked.

      Lake shook her head. "No, they're just out cold. They won't wake up until we use a code," she said.

      "Alright, well good work guys," Aya said before hanging up.

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now