Chapter Forty-Three

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PART VIII. - "Oh no, you've figured it out."



I went to the soda fountain with Lake. Camden had advised me to make as many allies as possible. Plus, Lake was cool and seemed like a genuine friend. I hadn't been to the soda fountain before, but most of the others had been bragging about it. Lake told me that they could make anything diary free, so that was exciting because I could finally enjoy something without worrying about my dietary restrictions.

"What do you usually get?" I turned to Lake once we got inside.

"I usually get the red current cherry bomb shake. It's really good," Lake said.

"Sounds interesting," I replied. "I guess I'll have one of those." She said to the cashier. "But it needs to be dairy free."

After we ordered, we sat at one of the seats at the counter. The seats were made from some type of glass and were completely transparent. Lake and I talked for a few minutes before our shakes were ready.

The bell rang echoing throughout the shop. Then the waiter placed our drinks in front of us. I wasn't a fan of pink, but the color of the shake was the most beautiful vibrant pink, I had ever seen. The plethora of colored sprinkles on top as well as berries, made it look like a piece of art.

I slid the shake toward me, angling the straw into my mouth. A burst of sweet and sour flavors hit my tongue. Lake was right. It was amazing.

As I was just starting to enjoy my drink, the doors of the soda shop flung open. It was Camden. "Oh brother." I thought to myself. This could only mean one thing. We had a day off, but it seemed like Camden wasn't going to respect that.

I did want to roll my eyes at her. I tried to fight it, but my reflexes let me down. Camden glared at me, she obviously saw it.

"Did you just roll your eyes at me?" She asked.

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"I needed to borrow you for something—"

"I'm kind of busy here." I smirked.

"It's important."

I wanted to stay there, finish my shake, and talk to Lake. I really didn't want to go with Camden, but I had no choice. "Fine," I said throwing my hands in the air.

Instead of going to our usual places, Camden took me to a place I'd never been before. It was underground, but not the same place where I first met with the Wyres. It was wet and damp and at first thought, I believed Camden brought me here to kill me.

"Let's keep walking," Camden said once we came to the end of the tunnel.

"Why are we going through the bowels of the city? Why can't we just take a normal route?" I asked.

Camden didn't answer. Instead, she continued to proceed through an old rusted door. "This is the only route," she finally said turning around at the frame of the door. "Are you coming or not?"

I started to take a couple of steps forward and a blinding light started to appear the more I walked. It was like a hypnotizing light that would put someone in a trance. Whatever it was, I wasn't sure I liked it.

"What is this place?" I asked.

"It will help you reach your full potential," she said.  

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now