Chapter Sixty-Three

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PART X. - "This is the dumbest organization"



We rode the elevator to the very top floor. Once its doors opened, we scattered around the floor, looking for any sign of my dad. As I headed down the north corridor, I heard a familiar voice. It was that same voice as Valencia's. Why was she back again? Did she need to show me something else?

"Valencia..." I spoke softly. "What is it?" I asked.

The woman appeared again. She shook her head. "Everything isn't what it seems," she whispered.

My eyes darted back toward the opposite side of the hall. Lake and Rayne were chatting.

"What?" I asked knitting a brow in confusion.

"I don't have a lot of time," the woman spoke.

 "What's going on?" I asked.

 "I'm not Valencia..." She said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Right now, that's not important. What's important is that you trust no one okay?" She said. "Promise me."

I glared at her. "I promise," I said. "But please tell me who you are," I begged the anxiety was killing me.

"One day we will meet again and then you'll know," she said before disappearing.

I couldn't wrap my mind about what had just happened. What did she mean that she wasn't Valencia and that I shouldn't trust anyone? It was so hard to tell with how cryptic she was being. It was nothing like the day when she showed me how Valencia's face had gotten burned. I rejoined Lake and Rayne, but didn't say anything about the odd encounter.

"Hey, what's this?" Issa asked.

"What?" I replied as I walked up to where she was standing.

Her finger tapped the thin air and nothing happened. She tried again. This time, a glitchy-static-like image appeared. It was like were in some sort of virtual reality.

"Soren, Lake..." I called out.

"What is it?" Lake asked.

"Look," I said pointing to Issa.

She tapped again and the same thing happened.

"Well, this isn't good," said Soren.

I raised a brow. "What is it?"

"A paradox," Brennan cut in. "Technically, it's like a prison of the mind. We're probably not even here."

"Aya—" I heard my name being called. "Aya....wake up."

I closed my eyes and when I reopened them, I was back on the cliffs at the Sanctum. Again, it must have just been one of my visions. I turned my head and saw my dad standing by the vehicle. Luckily, he was okay and the Commander hadn't kidnaped him yet.

 I rushed over to Lake. She seemed exhausted.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"The Wyres have a virus. My dad—they're going to kidnap him," I panicked.

"Calm down--"

I heard a sinister laugh and knew the Commander was approaching, just like in my vision. It was starting. I ran to Lambchop.

"Get my Dad out of here and somewhere safe," I said.

"But we have to help you guys--" He replied.

"No, don't worry about us, you just have to get him somewhere where the Commander won't find him," I demanded.

Rayne had rushed to my side. "Wait you saw it too?" She asked.

I nodded. "You has a vision?"

"Yeah, I guess so," she said.

"Maybe that means we're connected in some way."

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now