Chapter Sixty-Nine

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PART XI. - "Thanks to your nefarious band of chums"



We rode up the secret elevator to the bridge that connected the two towers. This tower was crawling with Wyres, so we had to be careful. With every step I took, I felt like I was invisible. How had they not noticed us yet? Not that I was complaining, but it was a bit worrisome. On the other hand, what if they had noticed us and just aren't making a move yet?

Get ahold of yourself, Aya. Focus!

I looked to General Davis for further instruction. The others didn't seem to care for him much, but he seemed nice and helpful. Plus, he knew this entire city, like the back of his hand. It was always good to have an inside man.

"Do you all actually have a plan? Or are you marching in there blindly?" General Davis asked as we started to make ourselves the bridge.

I actually hadn't thought about that. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to just walk over there, especially without Rayne, who was a major weapon.

"Hold it right there," A familiar voice said.

I recognized the woman. It was Pryn. I could always tell the twins apart. I tried not to look at her face, but it was almost impossible. She had a crooked smile and eyes that shouted 'evil'. Her diabolical eyes scanned us, like she they were looking for something.

 "Rayne's not with you?" She raised one of her perfectly trimmed brows.

Lake stepped forward. "What kind of stupid question is that?" She shouted practically in Pryn's face. "How could she be here if she's in the hospital because your stupid virus? Thanks to your nefarious band of chums"

Pryn almost seemed taken aback. "She hasn't healed by now?"

"She's in the hospital," Lake replied. "If she's dead, that's on you."

I could hear General Davis's steel-toed boot tapping against the marbled flooring. "You need to stop this virus right now! Don't you understand, it will kill you all as well," he said.

Pryn didn't seem convinced. "We're Pervussans not Sciusans or humans."

"It doesn't matter, I've seen that strain harm Pervusssans as well," he replied.

At that moment, twin's sister appeared and joined her side. "Did you tell them that if they hand over Rayne, we will stop the release of the virus?"

Pryn turned to her sister. "She's still in the hospital." Pryn then turned to us. "If you can get her here, we won't release the virus. You can have her emergency hoovered here," she said.

"We can do that," General Davis said.

"No, we can't!" Lake snapped back. "They'll kill her or worse, turn her into some dangerous weapon."

"I know you care about your friend, but we have to think of the world's population," he replied softly. "Listen Layne—"

"Lake," she replied strongly.

"We won't let anything happen to her, just go with it," he whispered into her ear. "We'll do it," he said to Pryn.

Pryn's crooked smile reappeared. "Good, we'll take her as an insurance policy, until Rayne arrives," she said pointing at me.

"Oh hell no!" Lake shouted.

I grabbed onto Lake's arm. "It will be okay, I'm staying here," I said.

"If you do anything to her, I will end you and your witch of a sister," Lake shouted before General David had managed to pull her away.

*What do you guys think will happen next? Just curious.

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now