Chapter Fifty-Two

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As I retreated to the window, my mind went black. I stopped to let the vision play out.

I was still looking out the window. Rain started to fall and the army was approaching in the distance. A thin fog followed behind them. The sky was darkening and its clouds were moving closer together to a form a diabolical team of storms.

I glanced down. Rayne, Hayes, and Trevor were standing there with their weapons drawn. They looked confident. The army of Wyres was growing closer and the fog that had been following them had started to fade. At the front of the army were the twins and the Commander.

One of the twins stepped forward to address Rayne. "Why don't you just surrender? You'll be saving everyone some time," the twin whined.

"If we surrender, you're just going to kill us anyways. How stupid do you think we are?" Rayne laughed.

Then my vision returned to normal. I stood up for a second sat down again right by the window and pressed my face against the glass to see what was going on. The Wyres were about to approach Rayne, Hayes, and Trevor, just like in my vision. Though the sky was different. The clouds had dissipated, and a beam of light illuminated the Wyres. I wasn't sure what to make of that.

"Whatever you do, don't surrender. They're going to ask you, say no," I said into the mic hoping they would all hear me.

Rayne looking up at me before speaking. "Duh, who do you think I am?"

I saw the twin mouth some words to Rayne and I assumed she was asking Rayne to surrender. In reply, Rayne rolled her eyes in disgust. That's when a laser was shot directly at Rayne's head. Somehow, she managed to duck and it missed her completely. Rayne didn't look scared at all to me. She just looked mad.

My vision started to fade out. Not again. I sighed to myself.

The messy grass was muddled with articles of clothing, blood, weapon parts, and not to mention the bodies. Half of the Wyre army was down on the ground. I scanned the grass for any sign of my friends. It appeared that they were all still alive.

One of the twins was on the ground, but was pulling herself up. She didn't seem like she was hurt at all. After regaining her balance, she pulled out an unusual weapon and caught Rayne off-guard.

"Rayne! Watch out!" I yelled into the mic, but it was too late.

The twin struck Rayne once and she fell to the ground. It wasn't long before she but got back up and stuck her arm out, but the twin had stuck her again before she could do anything.

Everything went back to normal. I glanced outside again. It seemed like my friends were holding their own.

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now