Chapter Seventy-Four

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Part XII. - "Here's to new beginnings"



We were all taken to the hospital to get looked at. After I rested for a little while and was cleared, I got to spend some time with my dad. The rest of Nova's crew kind of hung around, but that didn't bother me. They were in mourning, so I felt bad for them. Soon, we would have to go to the memorial service for Hayes and Nova anyway.

"So, kiddo...what's on your mind?" He asked.

"Why did you leave me?" It was the first thing to pop out of my mouth. I wasn't sure why I said that now. It was something that should have been said a long time ago. "Why didn't you take me with you?"

He hopped down and sat on the vehicle's step next to me. "Look, I didn't want to leave you there, but it was for your own good. I know it may seem hard to believe, but I had to leave you there."

"Why?" I asked.

"The Wyres..." He said with a sigh. "That's the reason your mother and I broke up. They were after me, but they threatened my family. She thought that if I stayed, both of you would have gotten killed. That's why I left. To keep you two safe."

"Mom knew about the Wyres?" I asked. "Why didn't she tell me?"

"She was probably hoping she would never have to, but here we are now," he said.

Lambchop had walked by his face was stained with tears. As much as he would never admit it, it looked like he had been crying for hours. They didn't have enough time to mourn after Nova was killed because of everything that was happening. After he passed by us, I heard him starting to sob again. I turned my attention back to my dad.

"Why were the Wyres after you?" I asked.

He hesitated and adjusted his posture. "Well...they had been after my family for a long time." He paused and looked down at me. "There's something you should know," he mentioned. "I grew up here. My family was very well known especially in politics."

"You said you were from Texas." I raised a brow.

"I know, but it was safer if you didn't know the truth. Serina is my sister," he announced.

"Really?" I asked.

"So she's your aunt....and Taylor she's my cousin, so she's your second cousin," he explained.

"Was my cousin," I said.

"Sadly, yes. Now you understood why I wanted to keep you away from all of this."

It did make sense. "So Valencia was your sister too?" I knew the answer already, but I still went on to ask it.

He nodded. He seemed sad when we talked about her.

This time Sydney had walked by us, but back peddled a little bit. She was on the her tablet and we could hear her whole conversation. It didn't seem like it was someone we knew. After all we hardly knew Sydney.

"Yeah I get it. It's harder to speak your mind when it's someone you care about as opposed to some rando," she nodded. "I'm happy that you're at least considering it. I wasn't the best example to the younger crowd, so if I could help out, that's the least I could do. It's not good to just let people walk all over you," she said before hanging up.

"Sorry for All that." She looked up.

I nodded. "It's okay," I said.

"I needed to get that off my chest. You never know if it will be too late, after all that went on," she responded.

"Sadly, you're right that's just how it is." I nodded. Before the events of the last few weeks, I would never have dreamed of running away. In fact, I would have thought myself to be a coward, but then again desperate times called for desperate measures. "It's good you say what you needed to say though. I'm sure some of my friends wish they could have said more to Nova and Hayes."

Sydney sighed. "You're right," she said. "Speaking of them." She glanced at my dad. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but we better get going to the memorial soon."

I glanced down at the time keeper on my sore wrist. It was time for the memorial. We must have lost track of time. My dad and I did have a lot to catch up on and as much as I wanted to be on time to the memorial, I deserved to be able to speak to him for a few moments without an interruption.

"You ready?" Sydney asked again.

"Yeah, sorry. Let's go."

"Lead the way."

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now