Chapter Seventy-Two

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*Trigger Warning: there may be some light gore in this chapter.



After the others had gone to go get Rayne, Pryn took me to a boring barren room lined with chairs. I thought they were just going to lock me up there until the others returned. I got scared when I saw two Wyre guards approach me. I started to think about running, but I was nowhere fast enough to out-run them.

"What do you want from me?" I asked. They didn't answer me and grabbed on to both of my arms and dragged me toward the center of the room.

I hadn't noticed before, but there was a beautifully engraved coffin with pink and silver flowers. They tied me to the chair next to the coffin. That was the last thing I could remember until....


It was so strong that it awakened my dormant state. It was so strange. Usually when I slept, I dreamt, but not this time. I tried to open my eyes, but it was difficult. It was like any energy I had had been drained from from me.

"Aya..." Once I opened my eyes fully, I saw Trevor and Wren by my side. "She's alive!" Trevor stated.

The room wasn't the same room I was in before. This one was glass, but some of the walls had been shattered. I wiggles my arms and legs. I wasn't restrained anymore.

"What happened?" I asked

I glanced around the room. A lot of the Wyres were down on the ground. So were Brennan and Lake, but I saw them moving slightly. At least they seemed alive.

"We just got here," Trevor explained. "For some reason they wouldn't let us back in when we came back with Rayne."

"I think she means what happened to her," Wren said.

"Oh, we aren't really all that sure..." Trevor said.

I saw Sydney and the rest of Nova's crew. "Your traitor friend, Taylor, told us they were using yours and Rayne's powers to bring back Valencia Woods," she explained.

My mind jumped to Rayne. Where was she? Was she okay? I got out of the chair and let my eyes search the room. I saw Rayne. She was on a stretcher on the other side of the room.

"Rayne, wake up!" I rubbed her arm a little, but there was no response.

Sydney put her fingers on Rayne's wrist. "Her pulse is weak."

Lake was now awake and seemed panic. "Aya, you're okay," she wrapped me in a tight embrace. "Is Rayne? Is she—" Lake started to pull back. "Dead?"

"No, she's hanging in there," Sydney said. "But we do need to get her some medical attention."

I closed my eyes again. I was on the brink of falling asleep, something I actually was trying to do. Everything went black, like I was in a comatose state. I felt someone pushing against my arm and I woke up again.

"Girl, there's no time for sleeping right now," Lake said.

I was asleep, yet I didn't dream again. This was the second time I hadn't dreamed. Even once was strange enough. Had I become like Rayne when we first arrived and her powers weren't working?

I snapped out of my own thoughts when I heard Sydney say, "Rayne's waking up."

Sydney was right. I watched as Rayne sat up. She looked thinner and paler than I had ever seen her. Perhaps her powers had been drained as well. Even so, I guess we should have been thankful we actually survived. As I took a step forward, I felt foot on top of something strange. I glanced down. It was an arm. I kneeled down and examined the arm. There was a pile of glass on top of the body the arm belonged to. I tried to turn it over, but I couldn't.

"Don't." I heard Serina say. "It's Taylor."

"She was here?"

"She came to here. We have to get out of here," she said.

Rayne eyes Serina and ran to her, "mom," she said hugging to her.

Mom? Serina was her mother?

I guess I've seen a lot weirder things these days.

"Let's go," Serina said. "Our security team will deal with this mess."

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jerked away. It was just a reaction, because I thought it was a Wyre.

"It's just me," Brennan spoke softly.

I turned around and hugged him. "You're okay," he smiled. "I thought you were dead."

"I'm okay," I said.

He spun me around, so I was facing him. Our faces met and he pressed his lips against mine. The heat from his against mine revitalized my whole body.

"Aya, Brennan, let's go," Serina said.

I broke away from him and grabbed his hand.

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now