Chapter Thirty-Six

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*Trigger Warning: There is some mild goriness. 



After we returned, I decided to go down into the lobby, since we weren't allowed to go on the roof anymore. Brennan was slumped over the couch in the lobby, reading a comic book, and sipping on a smoothie. He was supposed to be working on the page. At least that's what he had told me. I tried to remain quiet as I snuck up behind him, hoping he wouldn't notice me. I rested my hand against the top of the chair next to his couch. I felt really bad about how I had treated him. I had grossly overreacted. 

"Oh hey, Aya," he said looking up from the comic book.

I sat down. "How's that page coming?"

"I needed a break."

He turned toward me, his hand rested on my knee. "I don't think I can do this. Even Soren and Lake can't solve it, and they're an infinity smarter than me," he said. "I'm sorry how I acted before. I was being a jerk."

Normally, his touch would have made me embarrassed, but right now, I was just focused on the fact that he was apologizing, not to mention he wanted to give up. Brennan seemed like a driven guy, for him to give up like this, was concerning.

"I know you were really looking forward to it—" His eyes drooped with sadness.

I shook my head. "No, it's okay. I'm sorry too. I overreacted," I said with a smile. "As for the page, don't worry about it. There's probably nothing on that would help us anyway."

I turned my head, examining the other side of the lobby. Hayes was talking to Rayne, while she was drawing. I could tell Rayne didn't want to be talking to him. The doors to the lobby opened, and in walked Issa, carrying a container.

"Hey peeps, got some donuts." She smiled walking over to us. "

Issa set the container down on the table in front of us and opened the lid. They were the most artistic donuts I had ever seen. Colorful in every manner. As I picked one up, the sticky sugar stuck to my fingers. Issa looked at the page sitting beside me.

"Oh, speaking of that. I may know someone who can help," Issa mentioned.

Brennan seemed skeptical. "Who?"

"Someone called the Architect," Issa replied picking up one of the donuts. "I over heard someone talking about it in the donut shop."

"Where do we find him?" I asked licking the stickiness off my finger.

Issa shrugged, taking a bite of the donut. "This is so good," she said. "Oh um, I'm not really sure about that. I guess I could look into it though."

I nodded. "Please do."

After we had finished the donuts, we went back up to the suites. Brennan had decided to come to mine, since none of the guys were around. It seemed like none of the girls were around either.  Before we could even make it to the couch, Lake's voice rang out like an alarm clock, startling both of us.

"Aya..." She called out. "It's Piper. Something's happened."

We both stared at her like she had lost her mind.

"Are you two coming? Or are you going to continue your little make out session?" Lake teased.

"We weren't--" I was still embarrased even though nothing had happened. 

"It really didn't," Brennan added.

We followed lake out of the suite and onto the roof. I looked back, Brennan was behind me. Piper was in the middle of the roof, cradled in Trevor's arms. "Did you guys call for help?" He yelled out.

"I did," Lake replied.

Piper's body was white and lifeless. Her eyes were closed, making her look like she was at peace, but the red marks around her neck, said otherwise.

I try to touch her, but Trevor stopped me. "She's not breathing," he said.

I ignored him and touched her arm anyway. Something I deeply regretted. It was just as cold and lifeless as she looked.

Moments later, Serina accompanied a medical team. Her slender face was filled with terror. "How did this happen?" She asked glancing at Piper's body.

"I don't know. I came up here for some air and found her like this," Trevor replied.

Serina glanced at the red marks around Piper's neck. I thought maybe she had been strangled. The medical team lifted up the very front of Piper's shirt. I couldn't figure out why they were doing that. But once the shirt was lifted, her stomach had a huge green gash in the middle.

"It was a laser," Serina said. "That's why I didn't want you guys coming up here." Her voice had turned to anger. "This was one-hundred percent preventable." 


EDITED: 02/06/2020

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