Chapter Sixty-One

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"So, does that mean you're related to Serina?" I turned to Aya.

The commander and his soldiers had gone, but we managed to keep Camden imprisoned. The commander didn't care about her because she was expendable. Now, we had to deal with the whole looming virus crisis.

She nodded hesitantly and I noticed the sadness in her eyes. "Don't worry, we're going to get your dad back." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder in attempt to comfort her.

"What do we do now?" Aya asked meekly.

"We do what we do best. We fight," I said.

"Hell-to-the-yeah," Lambchop chimed in. "Hop in and we'll take the fight to them." He pointed toward the entrance of the vehicle.

Once we were all in, I approached Lambchop. "Hey, do you know why he's doing this? Like what's the point of this virus?"

Lambchop sat down in the passenger seat and fastened his seatbelt. He sighed before he gave me an answer. "What does every tyrannical overlord dream of?" He asked.

I thought about it for a second. "World domination."


Sydney started the engine and we started to hover above the ground. The higher we got, the more the bodies lying in the grass looked like toy figures.

"So much violence for no reason." Sydney pointed out.

I felt someone pushing against my seat. "I actually think I may know the reason," Brennan said as she pushed his way to the row of seats where I was sitting. "According to the Lexicon's appendix update, Silas Avendur had a loyal servant, Frederik Gotsam."

"How does that help?" I asked. The air started to feel heavier and stagnant which meant we were close the planet's outer surface.

"Wait—did you say Gotsam? Like Commander Gotsam?" Aya interrupted.

Brennan nodded. "Yes, he was Commander Gotsam's great grandfather. He died protecting the Lexicon because Silas refused to enter the dyeing machine with it, yet the original still ended up getting destroyed."

"And that's what made the Commander evil?" I yawned and rubbed my sore arm. I didn't realize how tired I truly was. I could feel myself on the verge on wanting to fall asleep.

"No, his father started the trend," Brennan explained. "It was his idea. He was half Sciusian and half Pravussen, AKA a Wyre. He thought if they could rid the solar system of both humans and Sciusians, they'd be able to start the world over again in his vision and he'd rule it."

"Now that's some psycho B.S.," Issa chimed in.

I definitely agreed with Issa. Within a matter of moments, we were descending into an area I wasn't familiar with. It was dark and a tint of red filled the sky. It was reminiscent of the air on Earth with all the destruction. I glanced down, there was no grass anywhere. The ground was barren and chalky. All the buildings looked the same – they were silver and reminded me of chemical plants.

"What is this place? Hell?" Lake asked once the vehicle's legs touched down.

"Basically, yes," Lambchop replied.

Once the vehicle's doors, a horrible stench filled the entire vehicle. It stunk of Sulphur, blood, and death. The air was so heavy, I almost felt like my lungs were drowning.

"Our Queen..." A voice whispered.

"What?" I asked stepping out onto the chalky ground.

"Our Queen is here..."


Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now