Chapter Fifty-One

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My lower abdomen was suffering a dull pain as the result of Rayne's blows. This whole thing was barbaric. Forcing two people to fight just to do determine who was leadership material.

Trevor, Hayes, Brennan, and Ace met us at the opening. Voices and footsteps flooded behind us. Of course they were coming after us.

"Don't let them get away!" The commander shouted.

According to the plan, we were supposed to go back to the watch tower, but it all seemed too easy. They were still after us. The escaping part seemed like it would have been the hardest part, but it wasn't. I turned around they were gaining on us. That's when I saw Fox and Sadie. They were there.

"Go, we'll hold them off!" Sadie shouted.

With Fox and Sadie fighting them off, the quick trip to the tower would be easy. That was until I felt a burning around my ankle. Lasers were being shot at us from flying vehicles, the size of cars. I wasn't a fast runner and zig-zagging in and out to avoid the lasers was quite difficult.

Fortunately for us, we made it to the tower all in one piece. It was impenetrable, so good luck to the lasers trying to make their way in.

"I can't believe that worked. You guys are safe," Lake said giving me a hug.

I nodded. "Me neither. I'm exhausted."

"Yeah, you all should get some rest. You didn't think they were going to give up. We can't stay in forever," she said.

Everyone seemed tired. We got a good six or seven hours of sleep before we encountered another disturbance. It sounded like buckets of golf balls were dropping on the roof the tower. The communication machine buzzed waking Lake.

"Hello," Lake groaned pressing the intercom button.

"Oh you guys are okay, that's a big relief." I recognized Serina's voice.

"Serina? Where are you?" Lake asked.

"Hiding out under in the bunker under the mansion," she said. "I was so worried."

"What about your army?" I asked.

"We've lost so many men in the last couple of hours. Those remaining are trying to push their way to the tower." The device's static broke up the conversation. "They're going to blow up the tower."

That meant we would had to move out and face the threat head on. That was the only chance we had at getting out alive. The others seemed prepared to go to battle. Our batteries had been recharged and I felt more alive than ever.

We had moved our camp to a nearby tower. As far as we knew, the Wyres didn't know we were there, but it was small and not large enough to hold all of us. The others told me to stay inside to be the guide. To try and use my dreams to lead them.

It was good thing because my visions were starting to appear more frequently, like contractions. The quicker they came, the more I could feel that something was going to be birthed out of my mind. Perhaps, it would be something that could help us save the world, but I just wanted it to cease. The pressure going to my head made me feel like her brain was going to 'pop' like a balloon.

A pattern of thumping grew louder. I took in a deep breath. The laser proof leggings felt clammy against my legs as I started to perspire. It was Rayne. I jumped slightly.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"It's all good." I replied

Rayne smiled as she caressed a pair of multi-colored brass knuckles. She took another pair of baby blue knuckles and tossed them to me.

I looked at them for a second before putting them on. "Aren't these illegal?"

Rayne shrugged. "I don't think that matters."

"Are you sure you want to go out there?" I stopped her. "I can go with you."

"No, you need to stay inside. Be our general. We're going to rely on that mind of yours, okay?"

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now