Chapter Sixty-Two

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"Did you hear that?" Rayne asked.

I carefully climbed down the step of the vehicle onto the dusty ground. "No, but something stinks," I said covering my nose. "It's smells like rotting eggs."

"Are you sure you didn't hear anything?" Rayne asked. She seemed paranoid if you asked me.

"I don't hear anything either," Brennan commented.

I looked around, the planet itself was very industrial and uniform. The exhaust pipes from some of the buildings blew out red smoke which then lingered into the atmosphere. In some ways, Pervussia was very much like Earth.

"Where do you think they're keeping my dad?" I turned around and asked Brennan.

"At the capital, I suppose."

"And where is that?"

Brennan's eyes darted around. I could tell he was looking for something specific, which was like looking for a needle in a haystack, since everything looked the same. After about a minute, his eyes stopped moving and now they were focused on something in particular.

"There!" He pointed to a building in the distance. It was tall and thin. The only building that stood out. "That has to be it."

We started our long walk to the Capital. Brennan stood by my side the whole time. I don't know what it was, but something about him made me feel at peace. Maybe it was because I knew he would protect me at all costs.

Once we started to come up to the entrance of the Capital building, I saw a shadow. "I think someone's coming," I said softly.

Lambchop and his crew started to draw their weapons, but Rayne shouted. "Don't shoot."

As they began to lower their weapons, I understood why she didn't want them to shoot. The shadow I had seen belonged to one of us. It was Hayes, but how could that be? We all saw his lifeless body back at the Sanctum?

Rayne had run up to him and hugged him. "I'm so glad you're okay."

"How is this even possible?" Lake asked.

Except for a few cuts and scrapes on his face, he looked perfectly fine. It was still weird though. How did he even get there?

"What happened?" I asked him.

Hayes rubbed the back of his head and took in a deep breath. "I'm not sure. I don't really remember anything."

"What's the last thing you remember?" I asked.

"Well, we were at the Sanctum, then I remember waking up here, whatever this place is," he said.

"Wait, do you know how to get in the Capital building?" Brennan asked.

Hayes nodded. "It's easy, you just walk in and out through the front door," he said. "I can take you."

We blindly followed Hayes toward the capital. Obviously, this could be some sort of trick, but we didn't have any other choice. I needed to get my dad back and Hayes was the key to getting in.

The capital building was a lot larger than it had looked in the distance. White panels lined all sides of the building. To my surprise, there was no one guarding the front entrance. I hesitated to just walk in. It could be a death trap.

"It's fine, I have weapons if we need them," Lambchop tried to reassure me.

Before I could begin my ascent up the stairs, Rayne had already pushed herself through the front door. "It's clear guys, come on," she shouted.

Once I entered, I was surprised by what I saw. It was empty with steel walls and no furniture. There was an elevator straight ahead. 

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now