Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After our first few sessions, Emmy had me trying new techniques. She didn't think that my dreams were all my powers could do. For some reason, she thought I was holding back my full potential. I knew that wasn't the case. It's not like I could turn on my powers like a light switch. It was much more convoluted than that.

Knowing that there was no performance, made me feel more relaxed around Emmy. Though, it kind of made me wonder why Serina was having us do these sessions. 

That day, Trevor's session was before mine. I waited around outside Emmy's office until he came out. He opened the office door and flashed a smile at me. "Have fun," he joked and patted me on the shoulder. 

I couldn't help but shutter at his touch, again. It wasn't the first time, and hopefully it wouldn't be the last. It seemed like Trevor and I were starting to grow closer. With a smile on my face, I walked into Emmy's office, and she immediately took notice.

"Someone's happy today."

I nodded, but tried to hide my embarassment. 

"Okay, Aya. Face me," Emmy instructed.

I turned to face her squarely. "Now, what do I do ?"

"Stare into my eyes," she instructed, her eyes were looking into mine. "What do you see?"

I looked into her eyes, staring into her green hues. All I could see was my own reflection. The longer I stared, the less I saw. It seemed like a pointless exercise. 

"Nothing," I replied.

She closed her eyes, breaking our stare. "Okay, let's try this again," she reopenied her eyes. "This time, just look into my eyes, but don't try looking for something in particular."

I nodded and met her eyes again. This time, I just looked. The reflection of my frizzy hair and chubby face reappeared in her eyes, but I just kept looking, not expecting to actually see anything different. This time, my reflection turned to darkness. Soon after, the darkness turned to light. I was in an enclosed space. I could see Emmy standing in the corner. Fear filled my mind. I didn't like this place.

"Where am I?" I stuttered.

"Good you did it," she applauded. "You're in."

"In, where?" 

I spun around, intensifying the slight dizziness I was feeling. The fear was taking over my whole body, even my movement. I felt like my body was frozen. I tried to examine my surroundings. I was in a giant box with a puffy, white, padded material, upholstered to every side. It reminded me of solitary confinement in a prison or insane asylum. 

"You're in my mind," she replied, her voice echoing throughout the boxy room. "You asked for the key, and I let you in." A slight poke on my arm forced me to turn around and look at Emmy. "It's okay, I'm here with you.

I was in her mind? What did that even mean. Why would I want to be inside someone's mind? That kind of seemed like a violation of their privacy. Though, her being there with me, made me feel a little better. 

"What do you see?" She asked.

"Everything, you're seeing."

"No, I want to know what you're seeing," she said.

"White. Everywhere," I responded. "What do I do now?"

"Walk toward the door."

I followed her instruction and walked toward the door. I tried wiggling the handle, but it was locked from the outside. I tried again, still locked.

"It's okay, Aya," she said.

A second later, I was back in Emmy's office. I was still staring into her eyes. Emmy looked away, breaking the stare.

"You did well." She rested a hand on my shoulder.

"What was that?" I asked.

"You were able to travel inside my mind," she explained. "You were almost able to get deep inside."

"Why couldn't I?"

"It takes practice. You were able to recognize the key, but I let you in," she said. "One day we'll get you to where you can enter without the other person letting you in."

"So, I can just force myself into people's minds?" I asked.

"Not exactly, but yeah that's the idea. I told you have more powers than just your dreams."

Emmy was right. It was pretty exciting, knowing I could do more than just dream. Though, hopefully, I wouldn't have to use my powers very often. Even as fun as it was to use my powers, I hated conflict. I would prefer to live a quiet and peaceful life. 

EDITED: 01/31/2020

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now