Chapter Fifty-Nine

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As Rayne walked, the ground under us was starting to shake. Was she the one causing it? I followed behind her as she made her way toward Camden and her camp. I had a feeling she would do something stupid. Something she would later regret. Even after she had tried to kill me, I had forgiven her. I probably would have done the same thing if I had been brainwashed.

It was probably not the best idea to be going after her, but I couldn't wait for a vision to show me what was going to happen, I needed to be there for Rayne. I wished my powers were as simple as the switch of a light, but they only appeared when they wanted to do. I couldn't will them.

I slipped through the fighters, like I was invisible. It was easy for them to miss me, since they were so busy fighting each other. I came up toward Camden's camp. Taylor was fighting one of the Wyres. As I was running, I slid down under them. My ankle slightly turned as I was doing so, but I tried to ignore the drumming pain.

Camden was perched up against one of the walls of her vehicle. A soldier attempted to break away to help her, but Taylor intercepted her. Although Taylor seemed like she was being helpful, I still didn't trust her. I don't think any of us did for that matter. When I looked back toward Camden, it was clear that she was in a world of pain. She was slumped over, her back broken, she struggled to even move.

Rayne stood over, like a looming shadow. She turned her head, giving me an insidious smile that made a chill run through her spine. This wasn't Rayne. It was like a demon had invaded her body. Rayne held out her hands, about to use her powers. Actually it was like Rayne. The same Rayne who had tried to kill me. The brainwashed Rayne. I thought she had gotten rid of that side of her.

"Stop." I shouted out.

Rayne lowered her hands slightly. "I'm about to make her head pop like a balloon!"

"Rayne...." I began "I know she's hurt you—"

"She killed Nova...Hayes," Rayne replied. "They deserve justice."

I took a step forward. "They wouldn't want you to do this."

"You don't know what they would want."

Isle of Sanctum | The Aya Thrasher Chronicles | Book 1 |[Editing]Where stories live. Discover now