☆~☆ Chapter 12 ☆~☆

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Katsuki leaned against the wall, using his shirt to sponge off the sweat, taking a drink from his jelly tea, watching the rain drip off the leaves of the trees lining his driveway.

"Miserable." He swallowed, wiping his mouth.

We're meeting at the airstrip. Katsuki hit send.

It's beautiful tho. Eijirou's text followed a picture of the rain pouring on the lake, steam rising in a shroud.

Some poetic bullshit.

C'mon, bro. Eijirou's smiley faces. Katsuki rolled his eyes. I think I'm cutting down?

Katsuki's fingers froze in the midst of texting 'good for you'. Eijirou's back still glistened with sweat. He had three freckles just to the right of his spine. His arms were cocked to allowed his back to flex, black hair up in a messy bun, sweat slicking the stray hairs to his neck and ears.

"Fuck." Katsuki's head fell back, he swallowed hard, stomach churning before looking back at the photo.

Zooming in, he could see the grin in the reflection, red eyes fuzzy but bright, friendly.

"Fuck!" His arm rose, poised to toss his whole damn phone before he talked himself down.

Yeah. He responded. Looking leaner.

Thanks bro! Get swole! Another notification, And you? I feel weird being the only one sending pics honestly.

I'm peak performance. Katsuki's fingers flew over the screen. I don't need input.

Whoa. Not even for, like, progress?

The blond snorted, Obviously not. I've been doing fine on my own this far.


Katsuki stared at the dots, his stomach knotting. The fuck does '...' mean shithead?

Nothing. Katsuki took a drink. Another. Three minutes out on the front porch, the rain continued. The air so muggy and thick he was sweating from the mere act of breathing. His cell vibrated in his palm as he finished his drink.

"Finally." Katsuki straightened, swiping his phone to the notifications. "An email?" He tsked, dismissing the alert as he slouched back against the house.

Minutes passed in a peaceful haze of summer rain and post-workout buzz. Until the growl of an engine broke through the steady beat of rainfall. Curiously Katsuki sat straighter, eyes narrowed but on alert.

A shitty red dirt bike peeked around the blind curve, gravel crunching under the tires. But that's not what made Katsuki feel sick.

Thick legs rested on the ground as the vehicle stopped, a foot moving instinctively to throw out the kick stand. Pulling off a scraped up helmet black, wet hair tumbled down in a messy nest. The leather jacket was slick with rain, his shorts were plastered to his body, hugging every curve and bulge as Eijirou stood.

"Hey, Kat!"

Too friendly. Too happy. Too positive. Too bright.

"The fuck you doing here? My house is easily..." Dumbfounded, confused, Katsuki looked to his phone now discarded at his knee on the porch.

"Ah." Eijirou smiled that stupid grin, dimple in his left cheek flashing. "Well I figured we'd both need breakfast. And I was heading to the cafe anyway, so-"

"My house," Katsuki continued, standing to lean against a support beam, kicking a foot over an ankle, "is fifteen minutes outside of town by car."

"Yeah... I-I mean not that long on my bike..." a hand raked through sopping hair. "I guess it is a little out of the way." His hand pat the bike after a moment of awkward silence. "Can I store this somewhere drier?"

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