♡~♡ Chapter 26 ♡~♡

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The music wasn't wordless, but the speakers so close, the bass so loud, it may as well have been. The noise turning everything into soundwaves; something to be felt. Katsuki could sense everything in the vibration around him. The air itself designed to make his body move. Katsuki could feel it now. The bodies around him gyrating, bouncing, swaying in time. They looked ridiculous. He knew he would too. But that wasn't the point.

The point wasn't how he looked, it was how he felt.

And right now he wanted to get lost. He wanted to run away from his thoughts, to flee from the confusing emotions. He didn't care if he looked like a drunk bumble bee or a dizzy five year old.

Katsuki wanted to feel wanted. He wanted to run away from Eijirou, from how one sided and ugly it was.

The bass pumped through his sneakers, through his ears. Resonated in Katsuki's bones, his chest. Vibrated in his skin, his blood. He grabbed another drink from the table, downing it in a couple gulps before a girl approached him and pulled him out to the floor. Katsuki flicked a snarl and middle finger to what was left of their group - their jeers and teasing.

The music was louder where the people were. It was hotter too. He was glad for the tank top he opted for wearing - briefly wondering if Eijirou would sweat to death on the dance floor. Just as quickly dismissing the thought, aggressively sinking fingertips into flesh.

She arched into him, dark hair pinned up, ass into his crotch and grinding. That was fine. Katsuki didn't care. The friction was nice - the attention was nice. Hands moved to grab his hips, he moved alongside her.

The sensation of moving in time with someone was so... nice. Different from sparring. She dropped low, he matched. She changed tempo, he followed her lead. Katsuki's head floated from the alcohol, his body buzzing and distant. He liked the challenge she introduced, constantly switching her rhythm. An arm writhed up over his chest, fingers tangled in his hair as she dropped low, slithered back up. On whim Katsuki grabbed her hand and spun her tightly, catching her by the hip and leading her into an exaggerated sway.

Shock in wide brown eyes faded as her head dipped back and she laughed, loud and big and happy, breaking through the music.

"That was fun!" She leaned in, smelling of sweat, flowers, and booze. "I gotta ask..." Big brown eyes darted over his shoulder as his knee pressed between her thighs, "Who's that big guy that's been watching us?"

"Hm?" Fuck I'm getting sober. Katsuki's gaze wandered in the direction of the table, surprised to see they'd drifted further away than he had thought.

"Tall, big." Hands danced as they swayed, he rotated her again. Her words tickled his ear as they pressed together chest to chest. "Red hair."

"R-red..." Eijirou... Katsuki turned around as Ei approached, cutting through the crowd with single minded determination.

"Is he your friend?" She blinked, their dancing stopped as Eijirou neared.

As Katsuki couldn't take his eyes off Eijirou.

"He's my friend, yeah." Katsuki breathed, realizing how stuffy - how bad - it smelled. "Fuck, I'm sobering up."

She laughed, hand pressed on his hip, fingers tangled in a belt loop. "Bars are never fun sober. I'm Keiko, by the way. Would you-"

And Eijirou reached them. His arm wrapping around Katsuki's side, sliding down into his waistband.

"He's mine." Ei's voice deep, possessive. Slurred.

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