×~✾ Chapter 43 ✾~×

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"The fuck we going, Hair-for-Brains?" Katsuki kicked the back of his heel in annoyance. "God, driving on the wrong side of the road makes me wanna hit someone."

"Yeesh you're testy." Eijirou chuckled, "Do you need a nap?"

"The fuck is with your family and telling me to take a fucking nap? I'm not a goddamned toddler-"

"You hangry then? Uh, hungry and angry- " Eijirou's smile crinkled at his eyes as he clarified at the deepening glower. "We'll be at the airstrip soon. It's campus owned, just chill. You're so lucky, so fucking lucky, I'm at an aircraft college. Like dude." A lull in the conversation before Eijirou's palm smacked his thigh. "Oh fuck, you'll be able to see Itsuka in her natural habitat-" He waved his cell. "She's at the strip now gutting some machine or another."

"Goddamn, Kirishima." Katsuki threw his head back, body going limp. "I don't want to meet anyone else-"

"No, no. You'll like her." Eijirou chuckled. "She's as into the innards of airplanes as you are."

Like a switch the memories of summer surfaced; made Katsuki shiver. Hot and humid, the tang of metal in the air, dry skin and the feel of gloves wrapped around his hands. Of candied apples and stolen glances. Casual touches and butterflies. Arousal sparked in Katsuki's gut, leg twitching a rapid, chaotic tempo to help ease the tension in his body. A slow breath in; slower out.

Katsuki peeked at Eijirou, who was focused on traffic, cellphone dangled loose in his grip. "Oh?" He cleared his throat, sat a little straighter.

"Yeah!" That grin beamed at Katsuki full force. Oh shit. "I met her originally in the engineering course I took a couple semesters ago-"

"I remember you mentioning that." Katsuki urged. Speed it up asshole. Fuck how can his eyes be that- that same shade of red. Candy apple... like his hair used to be.

And like an old video images replayed in his mind of the two of them on tarmac, hands fisting in hair.

Demanding a confession of loyalty.

Grinding, touching, kissing-

"-Earth to Kat!" Eijirou's snapping fingers earned an annoyed blink.

"The fuck you want dipshit?" Katsuki snarled.

"Uh..." Eijirou frowned, falling back. "We're here...?"

Ah fuck. Katsuki growled, unbuckling and pouring himself, awkwardly, out of the taxi, adjusting his jeans, tucking himself into the elastic of his boxers. Thank God for baggy clothes.

"I knew-" He choked on an inhale, "-that! Holy shit, Ei!"

Eijirou's head snapped violently up as the taxi drove away. "What?"

Breathless. Katsuki wasn't dumb enough to not know why. I can use this.

"You should have brought me here earlier, Kirishima." An elbow skimmed ribs, hands brushed as they walked. "I didn't know the campus was like... well, this!"

An arm swept out to hangars, garages. Miles of buildings dedicated to airplanes; building, constructing, flight.

Multiple strips, at least two control towers, ten planes in the air.

"God control your boner." Eijirou sniffed, pushing ahead somewhat stiffly. "Can't believe you'd get this excited over this and n-" He cleared his throat, turned away.

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