×~❄ Chapter 37 ❄~×

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The cafe was quiet when he walked in. Dead. One person in the very back. Katsuki beelined for the counter, pulling off his gloves as Denki smiled at him. The sight of the moron's entire face lighting up was embarassing.

"I've never seen it this empty." Katsuki looked around again, voice low.

Speaking felt like a violation. He was breaking some kind of cardinal rule by opening his mouth.

"Neither have I." Denki nodded, hopping off a stool. "Feels eerie. The calm before the storm." He sighed, putting his phone in his pocket and rubbing the inner corners of his eyes. "I forgot my fucking glasses and my goddamn eyes hurt like hell." He moaned. " Anyway," slender hands turned on the faucet as Denki's voice rose to speak over running water. "Your usual?"

"Yeah." Katsuki nodded, peering up suspiciously at Denki. "To go."

"Sure thing man. Have a seat, I'll bring it to you." Denki's hands played out a quick rhythm on the back counter before he turned to the espresso machine. "So... why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?"

"Like I-" Denki chuckled over the sounds of metal clinking against ceramic. "-I dunno, like I plotted to steal your puppy."

Katsuki inhaled. "You've been weird lately." He didn't elaborate.

Denki sighed. "I've been hanging out with Tetsu a lot." He shrugged, offering no other details.

"Hm." Katsuki nodded. "I'm gunna..." He pointed to the window, finding his way to a table, watching the sky change from overcast and grey to a soft snowfall as the cafe was filled with the sound of the espresso machine hissing.

It was calm, comforting. The music playing overheard some pale lo-fi mix, drawing Katsuki further into the dream world inside the cafe. Never before had Katsuki understood the relaxing pull of being outside of his home until now. If he could bottle whatever this very emotion, this exact feeling was and use it again adn again and again - fuck he'd do it in a heartbeat. The draw of the atmosphere was calming, disarming. So much so, he nearly didn't hear the bell ring behind him. It wasn't until the newcomer sat at his table that he paid any attention; rudley jarred from the stupor he'd been zoning out in.

"Excuse the fuck outta me-?!" Eye narrowed, hackles raised.

Spell broken.

"Katsuki Bakugou." A female voice, powerful, cold.

Not used to being interrupted. Katsuki stopped mid-tirade, taking in the woman before him as he fell back in his seat; ice blue eyes, black hair pinned perfectly - nothing out of place despite the harsh breeze outside. Even her black coat screamed money. He knew who she was.

He could see it in the cut of her eyes, the curve of her neck. Fuck even the freckles dusting the exposed tips of her ears. Katsuki hated that he saw anything of Eijirou in the witch before him.

"You're Mrs. Kirishima." A demure grin belied a power Katsuki knew he should have been afraid of, but couldn't muster up the emotion to be. Instead he snorted, that wild smirk back in place. A palm smacked the table as he half rose towards her. "You're the Head of the Clan, aren't you?" Katsuki narrowed his eyes.

"My, but you're every ounce as wild as the God you've taken from me." She responded, pale pink lips pursing as she summoned Denki over. "I expect restitution." A black brow rose.

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