♡~♡ Chapter 17 ♡~♡

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Katsuki wasn't sure what to expect when Kyoka pulled up in her beat to shit volkswagen, but it wasn't what had stepped out.

"Oh, look at you!" Kyoka crooned, arms opened wide as Mina squealed, diving right into her embrace.

"Opposites entirely." Katsuki snorted.

"Eh." Eijirou shrugged, yanking him over, "we're an odd bunch. Help me unload the food and gear man."

Katsuki pulled out of his grasp, hanging back, shaking his head at the questioning look. With a shrug Eijirou made his way over, accepting the hug and returning it with enthusiasm, swinging Kyoka around with a shout. Katsuki ignored the burn in his stomach when lips met in a chaste kiss, when private words and kind smiles exchanged.

They all had histories with one another he had no business being a part of. Katsuki looked at his fist, itched at his tattoo. He was the interloper and damn he was feeling it tonight.

"So you're the new guy." She crossed arms over her grey 'Deep Dope' tank, regarding him carefully.

Eyes narrowed as she approached, chin rose. "And you're the food bitch."

Heavily lined eyes widened before a smile spread. "Saucy too. I see why Denki likes you."

"I don't give a shit if he likes me." An eyebrow rose as thick soled boots tramped around him, measuring him up. "What are you doing, you fucking jackal?"

"Just... looking." She stopped in front of him, black bob framing her chin as she tilted her head, black tipped nails tapping on shredded shorts. Conspiratorially she leaned in, "Hanta's told me about you. A lot. Have you been to the shrines yet?"

"Wh-no?" Katsuki frowned.

Kyoka looked over her shoulder, chewing on dark purple lips. "Fuck."

Katsuki's gaze followed, noticing the way Mina and Eijirou looked back at them at the same time; approached.

"Okay, man. If you want to know you need to-"

"What are you two talking about?" Eijirou's voice was too loud, drowning out Kyoka's next words.

"I know." Katsuki sighed as they migrated over to the grill. "It's one big conspiracy."

"No." Kyoka shook her head. "You don't know. Not really. Not until you go to the-" She grunted as Mina smiled too big, too hard. "Fuckin' bitch."

"You were warned, Jirou." Mina's eyes tightened. "You can't."

"Whatever. Gunna ruin the whole party over some old fuckers." Kyoka pulled away, "I'm gunna have a drink-"

"Hanta and Denki were supposed to bring them but-" Eijirou smiled lamely.

"If they're hooking up right now I'm gunna kill 'em." Kyoka's fists clenched.

"Let's just get the food started." Mina sighed. "I've had a rough as shit day and I really would like to unwind right now."

"Yeah, I've got some good shit in my speakers if you wanna get it started." Kyoka offered, nodding towards her car. "Ei?"

"Yeah!" A meaty hand rose, catching the keys midair. "Kat, wanna assist?"

Katsuki snorted derisively. "Help... start a car?"

Mina chuckled, "Oh yeah." The girls exchanged a look. "He's pretty much useless around vehicles."

"C'mon guys." Eijirou backed away, "don't start that shit again?"

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