×~✾ Chapter 46 ✾~×

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Shoto tied off the plastic bag. "Good thing they were just school clothes I suppose."

Katsuki couldn't help the way he froze. "You're fucking smiling."

Both Eijirou and Shoto looked at him with blank expressions. Shoto pushed his hair off his face, standing and throwing his backpack over his shoulders. "Of course I'm smiling. I have been this whole time."

Katsuki scoffed, throwing his hands up. "Your smiles are like constipated dog grins." He hissed.

"I'm glad we're friends." Shoto nodded. "Anyway, I'll be going." He grabbed the stack of papers off the kitchen counter. "Thanks for doing your part of the project, Kiri-" He cleared his throat, a faint blush high on his cheeks. "Ei."

"Hey, no problem bro!" Eijirou moved to clap him on the back, stopped when he noticed his gravy hands. "Er, I'll let you see yourself out. We still need to-"

"Yes." Shoto bowed at the door, "Have a good evening. Thank you for letting me keep the leftovers."

"Fuckin' why does he get to keep the KFC?" Katsuki growled as the latch snapped shut. "I didn't get to eat nearly enough-"

"Shut up, Kat." Eijirou closed his eyes, slapping a filthy hand over Katsuki's mouth. "It's time to shower." Red eyes bore down with meaning his words didn't carry and, fuck it all, Katsuki blushed. "Oh, acting all virginal now?" Eijirou teased. "What happened to the guy from yesterd-"

"Oh can it." Katsuki elbowed past Eijirou, careful not to jostle too much food off his clothes after they'd cleaned so much off the furniture and flooring. "Text your brother to stay out late."

He didn't linger to watch Eijirou obey quickly, or see the way he ran into the bathroom only to catch Katsuki with his shirt up around his ears, shower already running.

"Well?" Katsuki hissed, prying off his disgusting jeans. "Get naked."

Eijirou broke. Face as red as his eyes, fingers fumbling uselessly as his shirt tangled up around his elbow and head.

"Oh fucking Christ." Katsuki moved over, helping him pull the garment off. "What are you so anxious about?"

"I've never... are..." Eijirou inhaled slow. "Are you gunna fuck me?"

Katsuki blinked, stunned. Then barked out a laugh, tossing the shirt over with his own clothes. "I mean, that was the idea."


"But," Katsuki put a hand over Eijirou's mouth. "If you're that worried then no. We can just shower."

Fingers trailed over Eijirou's chest, watching as his breath quickened, as he bit his lip. Finger tips trailed lower over abs, obliques. Eijirou groaned, leaning into the touches as muscles flexed under skin in response to the stimuli. Eyes ravaged the sight before him. God how did one man look so fucking good?

"I've never just... enjoyed you." Dropped further to unbutton jeans, the zipper vibrating between them like a goddamn earthquake.

Katsuki stepped back, looking at Eijirou as he shimmied out of his pants. "You sure you don't wanna have sex? Cuz... you look like you-"

"Shut up, Kat." Eijirou ripped off his underwear and flung himself into the shower, peeking around the door. "Get in here or-"

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do, Hair-for-Brains!" Katsuki peeled his own bottoms off, dumping them with the pile of food covered clothes in the corner.

"What are you being shy for, Ei?" Katsuki grinned feeling sexy - feeling coy - as he stepped closer, letting himself stride towards the shower, feeling Eijirou's eyes trail over his body, resting on his chest, his abs, his dick.

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