♡~♡ Chapter 21 ♡~♡

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Katsuki observed Eijirou staring at the plane, nerves on fire.


He breathed out slow, shaky, yanking on his helmet. He'd never, never been nervous before a flight before. Confident, cocky, excited.

Fuck yes. He remembered being so pumped for his first flight against Deku his whole body was vibrating. Nervously he pulled out his phone.

Flying with the stomach ache guy. He shot off to Round Face, staring at his phone till the screen lit up again.

The response came quickly. Are you sure that's a good idea?

Katsuki snorted, flipping up his visor, looking at Eijirou in the sweltering afternoon sun, all golden and tan and dark and red and sad. It radiated off him in waves. Eyes darted up to the sky. The clouds were many and fluffy. Thunderstorm was predicted for later. They had plenty of time.

Yeah. He text back, stomach fluttering deliciously. I'm sure.

He pocketed his phone, moved back into Eijirou's peripheral. "Put your helmet on, Hair-for-Brains."

"I'm freaked out, Kat." Eijirou's voice was shaky. "I'm real freaked." His hands shook, knuckles white against the red plastic. "Fuckin' freaking out."

Katsuki's fist clenched, relaxed, fingers splayed over Eijirou's, guiding him to put the helmet on. God it was fucking cute how Eijirou ducked and blushed to help Katsuki reach over his head. They both laughed awkwardly as Eijirou jammed it over his head.

"Jeez are they always this ti- er, y'know." He shrugged. "It feels like I'm suffocating."

"Safety first." Katsuki's smile was gone. "This part won't be safety first though I guess." Under his breath, louder. "Get up front."

"Wh-" Eijirou twirled on him.

A sigh, shoulders moving exaggerated. "Look, you can either ride up front or in back-"

"With you." Eijirou insisted, eyes wide and frightened behind tinted plastic. "Please, Kat. Please don't make me do this alone."

"I-" Heat flooded through Katsuki as he tried to figure that out. "I mean, I'd have to sit in your lap, Eijirou." He couldn't breathe at the pleading man before him.

"I don't care." Eijirou's voice heavy with tears, hands clasped and weaving, begging. "I promise it won't be weird, I cuddle with people all the time. Please, please don't make me sit up there all alone. God, please K-"

"Fuck okay!" Katsuki lowered his visor, shook his head. "Okay, just-" He exhaled, his turn to be shaky. "Get in, dipshit."

It's fine. He told himself, watching Eijirou fumble himself into the cockpit. I've seen men easily three times my size squeeze into there. Shouldn't be that tight- Standing over the seat he realized it would be so much worse.

For his feet to be hitting the acceleration and brake he'd be literally reverse cowboy on Eijirou. A quick glance told him Eijirou realized it too.

"It won't be weird." Hands waved in frantic promise, though if it was to assure Katsuki or Eijirou neither could be sure at this point.

"It was my idea." Katsuki stepped in, swift and sure despite adjusting for his new companion. "I have to deal with it no matter wh..." He swallowed as the hard heat of Eijirou's chest came flush against the skin of his back. Helmets hit annoyingly. "Fuck. This is stupid." He yanked his off, tossing it through the gap to the back cockpit.

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