♡~♡ Chapter 22 ♡~♡

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"Oh yeah!" Eijirou's fist pumped as the target fell, "which one, Kat?"

"Fuck do I care?" He groused, taking a swig of whatever was in his hand- he had stopped keeping track after the second bottle, "Fine!" Hands flew up in exasperation as someone bumped into him, "get the little kitsune."

"Ah..." Eijirou's smile faded. "One kitsune coming up."

The staffer nodded, pulling down a white fox. Eijirou grinned his thanks, stuffing the toy in his pocket.

"This is fun, right?"

"Define fun." Katsuki growled, dodging a couple who had recognized him, hands raising to hide his face as he drove behind Eijirou. "This is terrible." He growled, ticking off events as they strolled, "First the karaoke, then the sumo wrestlers, I barely managed to talk you out of the stupid paddle boats, now this idiotic shooting game - you're welcome, by the way."

"You're barely a better shot." Eijirou acquiesced. "Only two hits better."

"Enough to get you a damned stuffed animal." Katsuki swaggered into his personal space, colliding shoulders with someone with his wild gait. "Oh, fuck, ow!"

Cold red eyes met his. "Excuse you."

""Fuck off, hag." Katsuki hissed into the perfectly made up face. "The fuck's with the get up anyway? Fuckin' it's a festival, not a ceremony."

"Actually, Kat," Eijirou cleared his throat, "This is my Aunt, Mina's mom."

"Oh shit." Katsuki felt his head twist. "Well I didn't know!"

"Uh-huh, charming." She peered around the blond, "Eijirou. Your hair?"

"Yeah." He smiled wide and blinding.

Katsuki struggled to swallow. The world vanished for a minute around Eijirou; his blinding smile, his vivid hair, his brilliant-

"It suits you." The Auntie interrupted that blissful daydream. "It's nice to meet you, Bakugou."

"H-how-" He shook his head, "Right. You're the Aunt. You guys know me. Of course you do." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "So why dressed so fancy?"

"We, the blood family anyway, have to pay homage to the shrines the festival is dedicated to." A painted eyebrow rose. "Odd you aren't in your outfit, Ei." A smile tucked in the corner of her mouth before she hid it behind a flowing sleeve.


"You'd best find some masks if you don't want her to find you." Auntie sniffed, head rising. "I've advised Mina to get her friend out of town for the night after they finish with their sparklers and treats as well. We all know how Little Sister can get-" A gong rang in the distance, a voice, loud but indistinct, chattered over the crowd. Auntie sighed heavily. "That's for me. Be quick now boys. Don't let Little Sister find you or there will be trouble. I have to scout out my damned husband. If you see him send him my way, won't you Ei dear?"

Eijirou smiled sweet, planting a tender kiss behind her makeup, "Of course, Auntie." Then, much more dryly as they pulled away, "Have fun."

"Aha, so funny." Those eerily similar red eyes turned to Katsuki, "And it was a pleasure to meet the famed Bakugou. Please, stop by sometime. The mansion is always open to visitors-"

"No." Eijirou's voice cut in firmly, "No. He doesn't need to get tangled up with the family anymore than he already is."

"Ahh..." She frowned. "Maybe I should make it a point to visit then. Either way, It was nice to finally meet you. The resemblance is-" those eyes raked over Katsuki again, piercing. "Startling to say the least. Masks boys." She tapped her temple with an equally painted nail as she walked away.

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