×~❄ Chapter 36 ❄~×

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"So is what Ochako's told me true?"

Inko grinned down at her plate, "Well, I mean I know it's silly to get excited about this, being as we're so old-"

"Shut up!" Mitsuki crowed, reaching across the table to pull Inko into a hug, the entire cafe now staring at them. "Congratulations on your vow renewal. Oh my God, please will you let us design your outfits? Free of charge, of course. Oh and I've kept in contact with the most wonderful photographer, we could do an elegant photoshoot for you to remember-" Mistuki sat, breathing deep to cut herself off from saying Yagi. "-t-the occasion by, you know? I can see it now. Did you want big or intimate?"

"Intimate." Inko blushed into her hands, "We were thinking family only."

"Beautiful." Mitsuki grinned.

"Oh my God Mom. Stop." Katsuki growled from beside her, motioning to the flustered fidgeting and body consuming blush on the woman across from them. "You're killing her. Where do you think fucking Deku got it."

"You little worm." Mistuki growled, turning on him slowly. "You've got some fucking nerve opening your damn mouth after ditching your therapy sessions."

"I need a new therapist anyway." He pointed out, nonplussed. "She's too close to a personal-" Immediately Katsuki cut himself off, taking a drink instead.

"Are you saying she's a friend now?" Mitsuki's angry looked melted to one of knowing. "You can't fool me, you little twerp." Eyes narrowed as her grin turned smug.

"I never fucking called her that!" Katsuki yelled, grabbing his cup with vehemence, taking a long drink as he rushed to think. "If anything she's as much of a fucking annoyance as that goddamned Deku, always fucking cheery about dumb fucking shit."

"I think that's just being well adjusted, you asshole." Mitsuki chuckled. "You could use a little more of it."

"The fuck I could." Katsuki's lip curled as he drank.

"Damn you guys are lively." Denki laughed breathlessly as he stopped at the table, pushing his bangs out of his face. "Would you mind just maybe keeping it down a little? You're disturbing the oth-"

"Fuck you, Duncef-"

"Of course dear." Mitsuki smiled, fist grinding into the top of Katsuki's head as she leaned closer to the barista. "I am so sorry for the disturbance."

"Stop giving me fucking noogies, you old hag!" Katsuki struggled under her fist, ignoring the shock on Denki's face. "I'm too old for this shit!"

"Shut up, Katsuki!" Mitsuki yelled back, "You're disturbing the customers!"

"Fucking hell." Denki smiled wearily at Inko, who chuckled in return. "I'm gunna lose so many patrons."

Inko craned around the bickering couple. "I think you'll get more, actually." Head nodded towards the whispering and watching crowd as the bell behind them tinkled. "Everyone wants to see the new drama between them. Besides-"

A shadow fell over the table. "E-Excuse me? I-I-Inko?"

Inko turned around, the fighting mother and son duo silenced as they turned to Uraraka.

"Inko!" She was breathless, half frozen, covered in snow and wrapped up in so many layers she looked like a marshmallow.

Pink and purple gloved hands unwrapped her scarf, letting her voice come out clearer. Katsuki's eyes narrowed at the way her fingers trembled.

"Oh, Ochako?" Inko smiled as Uraraka pulled off her gloves, "Yes, what's wrong? You're shaking?"

"I-I..." She breathed deep, hands so tight her fingertips were white as she pulled at her scarf. "IWANNAASKYOURSONTOMARRYMECANIHAVEYOURPERMISSION?!" Uraraka bowed too fast, smacking her head against the back of the booth. "Ow!" She whispered, slowly falling down into a crouch - collapsing over the awkward spread of her legs. "Ow, ow, ow."

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