Chapter 1: The Wrong Foot

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Barry Allen was an up and coming new C.S.I. for Central City P.D. His life hadn't been perfect, his reason for getting into law enforcement in the first place stemming from his mother's murder and his father being arrested for it. His intelligence tested off the charts and few people knew about the accident that supercharged his life. One night while working in his lab, a lightning bolt struck a shelf of chemicals, dispersing them all over his body. Each chemical combined altered Barry's physiology turning him into a meta-human with the power of super-speed. Dubbing himself the Flash, he had new ways of solving crimes and taking on other meta-humans that believed that their powers gave them the right to cause chaos.

Kara Zor-El has been living on Earth for the past twelve years since her Kryptonian pod regained its flight directions after being knocked off course and trapping her in the Phantom Zone. She was sent to protect her cousin Kal-El but upon arrival he had grown into the hero Superman. As she was still biologically thirteen years old, Kara was left in the care of the Danvers, taking the identity of Linda Kara Danvers, their adopted daughter. In time under the yellow sun, she began gaining the same powers as her cousin but hid them for fear of being taken away from her family. Initially she had wanted nothing to do with life as a superhero until a plane's engines failed and she had to leap into action. Now at age twenty-five, she's got a new career as a reporter for Cat Co. Media and a life as Supergirl.

She knows that other heroes exist in the world but only has regular contact with Superman and his sometimes allies Batman and Robin. The same goes for Barry as he mainly stays in the Central and Keystone City areas. Little do the two realize that their paths will soon cross as a remnant of Krypton would soon be discovered by Cadmus' human's first initiative.

It was a typical day in National City and Kara was handing in her latest article to Cat for publication in tomorrow's edition. Since moving to National she had started going by Kara Danvers for her professional career. Cat mainly had her writing fluff articles even though she knew how much potential Kara had to be a great reporter. Then the biggest scoop ever dropped on Cat's desk and it was all happening in Central City, and she knew that her chief rival the Daily Planet, though based in Metropolis, would also be interested in the story.

"Okay; look alive people," Cat shouted to her assembled staff. "We've got the biggest story possible breaking right now and I want this in Wednesday's edition! Any other articles you're writing, shelve them. We just got word of an attack in our neighboring Central City! Ever since meta-humans started appearing after the particle accelerator exploded, people have been showcasing powers left and right. For good and ill, now we've got what appears to be an alien on meta-human attack happening. I need someone in Central immediately."

The entire room fell silent at Cat's announcement. With all the meta-human activity in Central City that had occurred, her staff was down-right reluctant to volunteer. Kara looked around at the hesitant faces and knew this was her chance to prove herself. Especially with Clark off-planet, she also knew Supergirl would be needed.

"I'll go, Ms. Grant."

"Keira, I think that this is a little out of your league. No offense, but you're still a junior reporter. This is more in line with..."

"Someone like Clark Kent? Please Ms. Grant, I can handle this assignment. Let me take it."

Kara knew she had just stepped up to her boss in a show of extreme courage and bravado, the other reporters turning away as they knew that Cat had fired reporters for less than what Kara had just done. She just made a direct challenge to the owner of Cat Co. media and all were surprised when Cat made her decision.

"Okay Keira, you think you can handle this, you'll have to prove it. The assignment in yours, I need everything you can get. You bring me an article that trumps the reveal of Superman and Supergirl and the junior status gets dropped from your title."

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