Chapter 10: Gold kryptonite

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Barry and Kara spent nearly an hour suspended in mid-air, just holding on to each other. In just a week of them knowing the other, they had taken down King Shark and a villainous new meta-human. Neither of them had felt a connection like this before and both were nervous and excited at where their new relationship already seemed to be going. What had started as a night out with friends celebrating after defeating Godspeed turned into their first date. Right there under the stars, Barry began singing to Kara once more.



“I don’t want this night to end.”

“I don’t either…why do I sense a but coming?”

“I’ve got to go back to National City tomorrow…or rather today as it’s already two in the morning.”


“Just oh…okay? That’s it?”

“No…I thought you were going to say that we can’t continue this. Our lives as heroes would get in the way of us being together.”

“Why would you think I’d say that? That thought didn’t even pop into my mind.”

“Just the last girl I dated. She wanted me to admit to her I was the Flash. It was too dangerous, I mean I know she figured it out in the end…I just couldn’t put her in that situation. She was…”

“…was she good to you?”

“Yes…but she was also a cop on the meta-human task force for C.C.P.D. My being the Flash would have jeopardized her life. Being who I am, I couldn’t do that to her. She deserved someone who could give her a normal life, not one of having to worry if I wouldn’t be coming home.”

“I see. Honestly that’s why my last relationship didn’t work out either. The keeping secrets…”

“We don’t have to do that with each other though. Kara, you and I…”

Kara was looking into Barry’s eyes as she placed a finger to his lips. She knew what he wanted to say, so she didn’t need to hear the words. Her next actions were probably too forward, but she couldn’t resist. With both arms once again wrapped around Barry’s neck, she leaned in and kissed him. She’d been wanting to all night and her heart skipped a beat when he kissed her back. Slowly they drifted back down towards the ground; blissfully unaware in that moment that thirty miles away under their feet, Cadmus was progressing into the next phase of its plan when a familiar face walked into Westfield’s office with a special delivery.

“Excuse me Sir, but this is private property. I don’t know how you got into Cadmus but I can make sure you regret it.”

“Oh come on Westfield, I know all about the silent alarm button under your desk. Do you really think that your security team is going to do anything since my money is what contributes to their payroll?”

Westfield knew the voice coming from under the gray hood, but could barely see the man’s face. He hadn’t expected him to ever show up again or walk directly in to Cadmus since Superman had made any city too dangerous for him to show his face.

“I have to be honest; I thought you had dropped off the grid permanently…Max.”

Maxwell Lord removed his hood to reveal himself. He had been living under the radar for just over a year after Lex was sent to prison for using the kryptonite he hadn’t given to Cadmus to create an artificial fault line in California and to create a new landmass in the Atlantic ocean that would have killed millions with earthquakes and floods. Both plans were part of his efforts to kill Superman and he nearly succeeded with the second attempt. As such when Westfield got a decent look at his remaining benefactor, he understood the new appearance.

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