Chapter 9: Superhero Night off

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With the defeat of Godspeed the Speed Force storm abated slowly until just a few stray lightning bolts remained before stopping altogether. His actions in creating a duplicate of himself had been the catalyst for the storm itself. Only Barry and Jay working together had kept the Speed Force in balance. While Barry was turning Godspeed over to the authorities at Iron Heights, the rest of the team was winding down back at Star Labs. Joe would be the first to call it a night.

“You’re leaving already, Joe?”

“Have an early morning tomorrow. Captain Singh expects a full report on Godspeed and Supergirl. I have to say Kara, I wasn’t sure what to expect when you first showed up, but I’m really glad you’ve been here helping Barry.”

“Thanks Joe, but it really was a team effort. And Barry made the plan, you should be proud of him.”

“Always am. Iris…”

“Yeah, I’ll see you at home Dad. In fact, I better call it a night as well. My article on the new speedster isn’t going to write itself. It was really nice to meet you Kara.”

“Likewise. I hope we’ll be seeing more of each other, even though the papers we work for are technically rivals.”

Iris waved good-bye as she stepped out of Star Labs. Among all of them, she could tell that Barry and Kara were going to be something special to each other. With her departure, the only members of the team left with Kara were Jay, Cisco, and Caitlin. The three of them couldn’t stop praising Kara’s actions in the fight against Godspeed.

“You were incredible Kara. The way you stood up to Godspeed, that was just…wow.”

“I really didn’t do much Caitlin. Barry had the plan; he and Jay did the hard work.”

“Don’t diminish what you did Kara. You were our eyes in the sky. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to execute the plan. Barry and I would have had no idea Godspeed had created a duplicate of himself. We might both be without our speed now.”

“Really Jay… I’m just…”

" much like Barry. Not wanting to take the credit. Someday, people all across the world are going to be talking about Supergirl. I kind of wish there was one of you on my Earth.”

Kara couldn’t help but blush at the high praise coming from the veteran hero standing in their midst. She was so taken aback that she didn’t know what to say, and thankfully Cisco broke the awkward silence.

“Speaking of…how long are you planning to stay with us Jay?”

“I came to help protect Central City while Barry was out, Cisco. My job is done here. My Earth needs its own Flash. And I’m really not getting any younger. Besides, there’s another new speedster waiting back in my Keystone City. She needs someone to help her learn to control her powers. It’s been my honor to work with you all and Barry. Someday soon, I’m sure she will too.”

“Come on then Jay, I’ll get you home.”

Cisco walked towards the Cortex, only to stop and wait as Jay first gave Caitlin a hug and then one to Kara. If his life had been different, if he and Joan had had daughters, he would have been proud if they turned out like the two young women in front of him. With one last salute, he left with Cisco, leaving Caitlin and Kara some time to talk by themselves.

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