Chapter 30: Pro-wedding complications

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Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Two years ago Barry Allen thought that was just a fun throwaway line about a guy on the verge of graduating from high school. Something about moving off into the real world of college and careers and all that comes with adulthood. After he became the Flash, that line from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off took on a far greater meaning than he ever thought he would realize. Two years of evil speedsters, half human half shark men, telepathic gorillas and a multiverse of Earths where a single choice could change your entire future. Looking back on all of that and being able to literally live his life in the blink of an eye, Barry was glad to have a woman he loves and loves him equally in return that slowing down for once wasn’t as scary as he thought it would be.

After he and Kara had their lunch date in National City and he took her to see the apartment that he had found, the reality that in less than five months they would be starting their married life together was indescribable. Cat had called Kara while they were looking at the apartment and given her the rest of the day off so they could really get their wedding planning underway.

Barry had been concerned about Kara’s reaction to the top floor loft, but his worries had been for nothing as in her words after exploring the open floor plan with the expansive balcony she absolutely fell in love. The only catch was that the apartment wouldn’t actually be available until early March and already had two other couples interested in it. While they were discussing the property, the manager stepped away to take a phone call.

“There are still other places we can look at Kara. I wanted you to see this one first. We’ve still got options in National City. We could sign a lease at my current apartment or yours.”

“I know Barry; I just really love this place. Don’t get me wrong, we’ve had some great times at your apartment and at mine, but at the end of the day…”

“You want a place that is ours. I get it. You know I want that too.”

“I know you do…”

Kara paused as the manager returned and unintentionally interrupted their conversation, but her phone call had been one that related to the loft. Given that she could see how much the young couple standing there loved this apartment; she felt they deserved a chance.

“I am so sorry that I had to take that call. I did however just get some news regarding this location.”

Kara took Barry’s hand, squeezing it a little tighter as they both worried that they had just lost out on renting the apartment.

“Okay? Did we just…”

“No; Mr. Allen, Miss Danvers, as it stands the apartment still won’t be available until March, but one of the other couples that was interested just informed me that they found another place. To be honest; we’ve had a lot of interest in this apartment, but it has always come down to location. A lot of young couples that are just starting out are mostly what I have seen…, but they’ve backed out because they want less of the city life. I can’t say that I blame them, so what makes the two of you different?”

“Well we’re not ready to move out of the city just yet. We’re both settled into our lives and Kara…”

“I just got promoted from junior reporter and this apartment is the perfect distance from Cat Co. while being in Central City. I’ve been living in National but here lately Central has felt more like home.”

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