Chapter 25: Coming home

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Clark had been worried about Kara for months. Barry’s presumed death had shaken her to her core. While it was true that he needed to let her grieve, the way she was going about it hadn’t been healthy. He had maintained contact with Alex when Kara was pushing everyone else away. This was how he found out about the incident with Max Lord at the D.E.O. When Alex called back after it was all over, the knowledge of Lord creating a synthetic red kryptonite didn’t sit well with Clark. He had his own experiences with the real thing back in high school and could only imagine what a synthetic version could do. Then two weeks ago she finally called him. He had been on assignment so she could only leave a voicemail.

She quickly told him that Barry had come back. He was alive and she was happy again. This gave him hope that his cousin was on the mend. She did say that Barry wasn’t exactly himself and she was going to be spending time with him so he could recover. Then after arriving at the Planet this morning, he walked into a news report on the bullpen television and he couldn’t honestly say he was prepared for what he witnessed.

“Once again if you’re just joining us…this footage was recorded earlier today off the coast of California. In it we can see Supergirl using her heat vision to apparently open a hole in the hull of an oil tanker. As of yet we have been unable to determine any motive for the Girl of Steel’s actions. The only bright spot in the story is that the tanker was empty or we could have been looking at a disaster of epic proportions. We’ll have more on this story as it develops. I’m Tana Moon; GBS News.”

Across four different news channels were a dozen or more reports of similar actions taken by Supergirl and J’onn. Clark was mystified but furious even though in his heart he knew that neither of them would knowingly undertake actions that would cause danger to innocent civilians. He was just about to fly off to the D.E.O. for an explanation when someone calling his name caused him to stop.

“Hey Kent…you’ve got a couple of visitors.”

Clark turned around with his tie hanging halfway off when he spotted Alex and Winn. Unbeknownst to him, they had traveled all night to get to Metropolis while listening to the news reports. Kara and J’onn’s actions had been getting increasingly violent and Alex knew if they weren’t stopped, the entire world would be in jeopardy.

“Clark! Clark thank God you’re here!”

“Where else would I be Alex? I am a reporter for the Planet, and I’ve had several news stories to cover. For instance…have you seen this one about Supergirl?”

Clark immediately noticed fear and sadness in Alex’s eyes before she looked down at her feet. He could tell that she was just as worried about Kara as he is, and knew that something had happened to make her act this out of character.

“Clark…we need to talk somewhere…anywhere private.”

Taking note of the serious tone in Alex’s voice and the look on Winn’s face, he had to get them out of the bullpen quickly. With the nature of their impending conversation on his mind, he led them to the newest addition to the Planet. Perry had added a recording booth for digital broadcasting on the internet and it was sound proof so no one would hear what had happened to Kara.

“I take it you’ve seen the news?”

“Hard not to Alex. Tell me what’s happened to Kara in the two weeks since I last talked to her.”

“Well, did she tell you Barry came back from the dead?”

“Newsworthy, but not what I’m looking for. That was the last thing I heard from her.”

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