Chapter 29: Wedding Plans

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The next morning Kara was sitting up in bed with her laptop at Barry’s apartment. She had thoroughly enjoyed the party and as Barry was still asleep she began researching wedding venues as well as an apartment for them. On their way home they had discussed the article about the Flash’s return and agreed to keep certain details out to protect their identities. Now she was deep in her search when she came across what could be the perfect location for their wedding.

“Hmm…this may be just the perfect place…”

Barry sat up after hearing her speak and tiredly rubbed his eyes before placing a hand on her back. He had slept a little longer after feeling a slight buzz from all Oliver and Cisco had gotten him to drink. He was curious as to what she had found and wondered just how long she had been awake as he questioned what she was working on.

“What may be the perfect place, Kara?”

“I found this small Bed and Breakfast in Englewood not far from Granite Peak National Park. I was thinking it could be where we have our wedding.”

“I didn’t know there was a B and B there.”

“Looks like it opened just a couple of years ago. A small location, not too far away from the city, what do you think Barry?”

Barry looked over Kara’s shoulder at the website. The exterior of the building was quaint and had an almost rustic feel to it. Located on a small plot of land he could tell it was just the right relaxed atmosphere that they both wanted. Even the photo had a majestic shot of Granite Peak rising up in the background. Kara leaned her head back against his shoulder and he could see her eyes light up and just knew that this was it.

“I like it…let’s meet with the owners and see if we can book it. Now we just have to finish up the guest list…”

“We got most of that completed last night at the party. I think though that there are a few more people we should invite…”

“Who are you thinking?”

“Well Joe is a given, and my mom Eliza. I know Clark is going to bring Lois…but I was hoping for Jay and Jesse as well.”

“I was thinking the same thing. I know Harry will be there with his Jesse…”

“And Ms. Grant insisted on an invitation. She made me promise one after asking me for an article about Supergirl’s last battle.”

“The article you need to write. Why don’t we get to it?”

For the next hour Barry described in detail to Kara everything he could remember about the battle with Cadmus and his time in the Speed Force while leaving out some of the more unbelievable details and focused on what he had experienced. Kara sat and listened entranced as she recorded everything he was saying. When he finished she took another hour to transcribe the article to a word document before saving it to a flash drive for Ms. Grant. Later that afternoon she is sitting in her boss’ office as she prepares to read the article aloud.

“Bolt of Lightning; by Kara Danvers.”

“I think the story will be more than what you expected Ms. Grant.”

“We’ll see.”

Kara could tell by the tone in Cat’s voice that she was skeptical, but she had hope that once her boss read this article she would change her mind.

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