Chapter 6:Godspeed

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After Kara returned to National City, Barry threw himself back into the murder investigation. He, Caitlin and Cisco did everything they could to identify the victim but still continuously came up empty. Eventually Iris got involved as well when she came back from Metropolis but between her and Joe, they were stymied as well. Now they’re all sitting around the control desk at Star trying to figure out their next moves.

“Barry, we may have to face the facts here. This guy’s a nobody. No record, no fingerprints, he’s a ghost.”

“He can’t just be a nobody. He was in Central City for a reason. Whatever that reason was, it got him killed. There’s got to be more at play here, Joe. And we’ve still got his killer on the loose. There are dozens…maybe hundreds of meta-humans in Central. Some of whom haven’t revealed themselves and are just living their lives. We can’t let them live in fear. What good is the Flash if he can’t protect the people?”

Barry’s words had all four of his companions worried. All of them knew after Thawne and Zoom that any time he spoke about himself in the third person he was beating himself up because the thought that he wasn’t doing enough to protect Central City would hit him like a ton of bricks. In those moments he would often suit up and take out his frustrations all around the city. Granted he never crossed a line, but sometimes he would get reckless. The last time he wound up with a bullet in his leg and one in his shoulder. Before he could take off, Joe spoke up again.

“Listen Barr, you can’t let this consume you. This situation is nothing like Thawne and Zoom. You know this. And you know we will figure this out. It’s only been two days, go home, and get some rest.”

“Joe, you know I can’t do that. What if…”

“Barry, we’ll call you if we need you. Joe’s right. Go home and get some rest. And if helps, I’ll put in a call to Felicity over in Star City. When she and I put our brains together, there’s nothing we can’t figure out.”

“Thanks Cisco. Caitlin…”

“I’ll keep running our victim’s face and fingerprints through all the usual channels. Someone out there has to know something about him.”

“Thanks guys, you know I appreciate this.”

Barry was about to speed off, when Iris pulled him back. She had been gone visiting the Daily Planet for a week and she was glad to be home. But she knew Barry needed a friend at the moment who could take his mind off the investigation and she really didn’t want him to be alone.

“Barry, how about we go get a cup of coffee at Jitters. I could tell you about my trip. Besides, I know you, and you need someone to talk to right now.”

“Thanks Iris, but I think that right now, I just need some time to myself. I know you’re here for me as a friend and that’s what matters. I’ll be okay.”

Barry sped off without another word, heading back to his apartment. His plan was to find anything that could take his mind off of everything going on. After turning on the television, the news report he saw was not what he had expected.

“If you’re just joining us, this footage was recorded earlier today in National City. It’s still unclear as of this moment who the man attacking Supergirl is, but he caused quite a bit of damage before she confronted him. At one point it seemed as if the assailant was getting the best of National’s resident superheroine, but in the end, she did manage to subdue him and he was taken into custody. In other news…”

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