Chapter 14: Batman,Robin and Princess

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Barry was more than worried about Kara since they left his apartment. He had meant it when he said they were a team, and he was going to be there for her no matter what they found under the rubble. He watched for a moment as she began hauling rocks off and tossing them away. He knew that standing there watching wasn’t going to help, and started using his super-speed to remove the rocks he could lift. In half an hour they had moved most of the rubble away, but were no closer to getting through the damage. Kara’s emotions were threatening to spill over when a voice spoke up from behind them.


Both Barry and Kara turned to see him. It wasn’t often that he was out in daylight, preferring to operate under the shadows of night, and Metropolis was a city he very rarely ventured in to. He always felt it was too exposed for his liking. But here he was with his partner by his side.

“Batman; Robin.”

Barry was stunned, he had often heard of the Batman, choosing to believe he was nothing more than urban legend. A boogeyman that put true fear into the criminals of Gotham City. But standing there face to face with the Dark Knight, was both awe inspiring and humbling at the same time.

“You know where we are, don’t you Kara?”


“And you know what’s under all that debris.”

“Only the rumors. Clark once told me that…”

“This is the original site of Project Cadmus. I got the report on the Bat-computer the second the explosion went off. I was sending Robin on a mission but cancelled that when I heard the news.”

Batman and Robin now looked to the scarlet clad man standing beside Kara. They both knew who he was, if not his identity under the mask. Batman was leery of the Flash. But Tim, although he was going to go to Central City to unmask the hero, couldn’t help but see how they might be able to get along.

“Metropolis is a little far from Central City, Flash. I expected Kara to be here when she heard, but what’s your interest in this? Doesn’t your city need its hero?”

“Supergirl helped me with a new speedster, I’m returning the favor.”

“Still…you’re a little out of your league here. Go home and let the real detectives figure this one out.”

“Look Batman, I know I don’t have the years of experience that you do. And I know I’m not your equal when it comes to being a superhero, but I promised Kara that I would be here. And nothing you or anyone else can say is going to make me leave.”

“Superman was right, kid. You’ve got guts. Someday if you’re not careful they’re going to be spilled on the highway.”

Kara was listening to Batman berate Barry as he only tried to stand up for himself. She had initially wanted him to hold back, but appreciated his response when he said he was going to come and help. As such, she now backed him up in the face of their current ally.

“Flash is right Batman. He’s here to help. And I want him here. If you’re going to help, then do it. Otherwise stay out of our way so we can get to Superman.”

There was a fire in Kara’s eyes that all three of her companions couldn’t ignore. Barry was proud of her, Batman remained stoic, and Tim was impressed. It was only a few moments that they stood there in a minor face off, only to hear one more voice speak from behind them.

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