Chapter 5:National City

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Kara was back at work two days later, article in hand as she walked into Cat Grant’s office. Normally she would have e-mailed the story in, but she was proud of the work she did and hoped Cat would be as well. For a moment she had a brief flashback to her days as Ms. Grant’s assistant, when her boss walked in while berating her new assistant.

“Ms. Tessmacher! How many times do I have to tell you that my latte is supposed to be…,” Cat pauses as she enters her office to see Kara sitting there, patiently waiting just like she did before becoming a reporter, a cup of coffee in hand for her boss.

“Keira, I hope you have the story I requested, especially since you’re back before the deadline. This had better be something spectacular. Being prompt is something I expect from all my reporters, but not if the work is sloppy.”

“Oh, I think you’ll be more than happy with the story Ms. Grant. My time in Central City was very well spent.”

“Is that coffee my regular order? Ms. Tessmacher, cancel my morning appointments. And next time make sure you get my order right!”

Cat took the cup from Kara as she sat down, taking a long drink before acknowledging Kara once more.

“You know Ms. Grant, Eve really is doing her best. You should give her more time before…”

“Keira, Ms. Tessmacher’s best is not your concern. You’ll only hear me say this once, and if you repeat it, I’ll deny having ever said it, but you were the best assistant I’ve had in quite a while. Now, you have a story for me?”

Kara quickly handed the three page story across the desk into Cat’s waiting hands. She sat there nervously as Cat locked her eyes on the title for what felt like an eternity before looking up.

“Supergirl and the Flash? I don’t think this is the story I asked for Keira, and what is a The Flash?”

“The Flash is Central City’s resident superhero Ms. Grant. I was able to see him in action and his abilities are impressive.”

“Be that as it may, why the Flash? Sounds like a name of someone who…, never-mind. I agreed to send you to Central City to cover the story on the alien on meta-human murder. What have you brought me instead?”

“With all due respect Ms. Grant, you should read the story before you judge it. You might find a better story than you were expecting.”

Cat didn’t show it, but internally she was pleased with Kara standing up to her a second time. She was showing initiative and guts, both qualities that make an excellent reporter. After one last appraisal of the junior reporter Cat began reading the article, her expressions betraying nothing of what she thinks.

Kara sat across from her boss, attempting to get a read on whether Cat loved or hated the article. She got no indication whatsoever and she wasn’t sure why she expected she would after having worked as her personal assistant for the past year and a half. Instead, she replayed the conversation with Barry over again in her head.

“You wanted to know why I really became the Flash.”

“You told me, it was because you didn’t like seeing people get hurt. When you gained your powers you just wanted to help.”

“That was just a small part of it. It’s actually a long story, Kara.”

“Well, we’ve got time.”

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