Chapter 19: Holidays

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“Look at it this way…Cat’s been hounding you for another article…I remembered when you said Cat Grant doesn’t beg…and she seems so invested in the world of heroes, so what if you got to see the Green Arrow in action, and brought her a story on that?”

“So I should treat this like I’m working on a story. That’s actually not a bad idea. What are the dress expectations?”

“Well…I thought you could wear that dress you wore for date night. Oliver does expect this to be an elegant affair. And I would love to walk into this party with the most beautiful woman in the world by my side.”

Kara blushed as she remembered the way he phrased his request. He could have said on my arm, like she’d heard in some of the cheesy romance movies Alex made her watch, but once again with just a few words, Barry proved why he was different than her last boyfriend. When she had their drinks, she started to walk back towards where Barry was talking with who she guessed was Oliver, but bumped into another woman who was approaching the bar.

“Oh…I’m sorry…I didn’t see you there…”

“It’s quite alright. I wasn’t really watching where I was going either…you look familiar, have we met before?”

“I don’t think so. This is my first time in Star City.”

“Then welcome…who are you here with?”

“Barry Allen. He’s my boyfriend and…”

“Barry? Oh my God…you…you’re…sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. Felicity Smoak…”

Felicity stuck her hand out, completely unashamed of her actions and almost giddy at the realization of who she was meeting for the first time. Kara was a little taken aback at Felicity’s abrupt introduction, but remembered Barry mentioning her once or twice before, so she set one of the drinks down and shook the other woman’s hand.

“Kara Danvers…so you’re Felicity Smoak? Barry actually speaks very highly of you.”

“He should…I’m the one who stopped Oliver from…never mind. Anyway, have you met Oliver yet?”

“Not yet, I told Barry I was thirsty and left him to get us drinks. In fact, I’d better get back. It was nice to meet you Felicity.”

“Likewise…but since we’re going in the same direction, and I just came to the bar to get a drink for myself and Oliver, why don’t we go and join them?”

Felicity and Kara walked over to where Barry and Oliver were still deep in conversation. Barry had been facing the bar when he caught sight of the two of them. Instantly his face lit up in a smile seeing Kara laughing with Felicity probably over some story about how he and Oliver first met. In his distraction, he tuned out everything Oliver was saying.

“Hey…Earth to Allen…snap out of it Barry. Did you not hear a word I just said?”

“Sorry Oliver…what?”

“Ollie…stop harassing the man. We’re at a party and I sincerely hope you’re not talking shop with Barry when he should be enjoying himself. Besides Barry, I ran into someone I thought you might be missing.”

“Real subtle Felicity. I…”

Kara laughed as she handed Barry his drink before giving him a kiss on the cheek. He silenced his retort to Felicity as he wrapped an arm around Kara’s waist when she moved in to stand beside him. The four were enjoying the conversation and Oliver and Felicity were dropping very direct questions about Barry and Kara’s upcoming first Christmas when an alert hit their phones from Curtis.

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