Chapter 15: Meeting Lois Lane

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Kara was an emotional wreck as she stepped into Lois’ apartment with Barry right behind her. It only took Lois a moment to pull Kara over to the couch and sit her down. Barry followed suit and took a seat of his own, worried for Kara as Lois shot him a death glare. He didn’t know what he’d done wrong but it was clear when Kara spoke.

“B-Barry…that’s Clark’s chair. You two may have come to an understanding at my apartment, but he…”

Barry didn’t need Kara to finish and got up to go lean against the window. Lois eased her glare and turned her attention back to Kara as the young woman was still slightly in tears.

“Kara, you have to tell me what happened. I can’t help if you don’t let me.”

“It’s Clark…he…he was investigating the old Project Cadmus site and…he…,”

“He got hurt didn’t he? Start at the beginning, tell me what happened.”

“I was in Central City with Barry…we were at his apartment watching a movie. At some point I had fallen asleep…”

Lois looked up at Barry again, the same glare on her face at the thought that he did something to Kara that had her upset right before whatever it was that happened to Clark.

“Ms. Lane…I promise you, I’m not the reason Kara is upset right now.”

“Then I’ll get to you in a moment. Kara…what happened to Clark? Where is he now?”

“At the Bat-cave. Luthor planned out a way to hurt him. The only thing I know for certain is that his body was exposed to lethal doses of red sunlight. Right before the Cadmus building was buried in debris from the aqueducts.”

Externally Lois was calm, but inside she was furious. Lex had been a thorn in hers and Clark’s side ever since they had gotten together. There was even a point where reports came out that he had known that Clark and Superman were one and the same. The reports proved to be unfounded, but that didn’t help in the moment when their lives nearly came crashing down.

“So Batman has him?”

“And Wonder Woman is with them….they’re…”

“Kara, I know that this hurts because of the Kryptonian bond you have with Clark. You’re the last children of the house of El, and from what he told me, any time one of you gets hurt, the other is going to feel it. Are you blaming yourself for the fact that he got hurt?”


“Kara, this was not your fault.”

“Excuse me…Barry…this conversation doesn’t pertain to you. If you don’t mind…”

“I’m sorry Ms. Lane. I just thought I should interject that small point. Kara told me the same thing when I found out one of my friends had turned into an evil speedster and tried to kill me by taking my powers.”


“No Lois, Barry’s right. I needed to hear that.”

“All right, listen Kara, you’ve obviously been through the ringer with trying to get Clark out of the remains of Cadmus. I know we had planned to come to National to see you this week, but you came to us instead. You’re welcome to stay here until Clark gets back on his feet. But for now, why don’t you go take a shower, get out of your uniform. I’ll have some tea ready for you.”

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