Chapter 11: Star city

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Felicity Smoak is stymied. She had received all the information Cisco has on the meta-human victim at Star Labs a little over a week ago now and she still hadn’t had any better luck at discovering an identity than he had. She’s still working on the face trace, fingerprints and any other means she can come up with to solve this case when Oliver and Diggle enter.

“We’re going to get him Oliver. That Vigilante can’t evade us forever.”

“I’d prefer to have gotten him on this last confrontation. He’s crossed too many lines. He’s what I used to be as the Hood. If people start equating Vigilante with the Green Arrow, we’ll lose the city for good. S.C.P.D. is already after the both of them. As a Mayoral candidate, losing the trust of the city is something I can’t afford.”

From behind her computer screen Felicity was paying attention to the conversation while she ran the search for what felt like the millionth time. She knew what she was about to say was still a sore spot for Oliver; however she couldn’t help but bring it up one more time.

“I really think you should consider expanding the team again Ollie. You and John are running yourselves ragged trying to protect Star City. You know you can’t do this alone.”

“And my answer is still the same as before Felicity. I won’t put any more lives in danger for my crusade. We lost Sara…”

“Who has been resurrected…”

“Not the point, I nearly lost Roy, Thea is still dealing with the fact that Merlyn is her father, and Laurel has a good career as the Assistant D.A.”

“Barry’s lost people too, Ronnie for instance, and Eddie Thawne…”

“Ronnie sacrificed himself to close the portal, he knew the choice he made was sound, and Eddie…he also did what he had too. We deal with another level of criminal entirely. Barry deals with super-powered individuals, we deal with blood-thirsty, vicious street level thugs who have one goal, kill anyone who gets in their way. Barry’s world is very different from ours.”

“Speaking of Barry, how goes the search on his mystery vic.?”

“I’ve got nothing John. Like Cisco and Caitlin all I’ve got is that he’s a meta-human, but no records, no I.D., he really is a ghost.”

“Well maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way.”

Barry’s voice was heard from the back of Ollie’s base, a surprise to all since it had been months since they’d seen him. While they were all happy to see him, he wouldn’t have come if not for their shared investigation and Oliver also had the thought that there was more to this unexpected visit.

“Okay Barry, what evil speedster do you need help with this time?”

“That’s already taken care of, Ollie. I came to see how your end of our unknown Meta investigation was going.”

“I’m at an impasse. I haven’t been able to find any more than Cisco.”

After his date with Kara, Barry had been processing the case in his mind, even though his mind often strayed back to their kiss. It turned out that the distraction thinking about Kara was just what he needed to look for a different angle.

“That’s why I came. Star Labs still operates with government funding despite Thawne leaving all of it to me as Wells along with his admission of guilt in the death of my mother. As such…”

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