Chapter 27: Blurred memories

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Barry arrived back at Star Labs to find Cisco, Harry and Winn all arguing over who should take the credit for deactivating the Myriad inhibitors. Cisco had brought the device while Harry had used his equipment to create a stable connection. Winn argued that he was the one to create a secondary inhibitor that worked to counter Donovan’s without which reverse engineering the Myriad one to free the mind-controlled meta-humans remotely wouldn’t have been possible.


“Harry…you know since I brought the inhibitor I made it possible for us to deactivate all the others…”

“Yeah but Cisco, if I hadn’t developed the new prototype first, you wouldn’t have been able to reverse engineer the Myriad one…”

“Actually Winn I didn’t need yours to reverse engineer…”

Listening to this conversation had Barry developing a massive headache. Normally he’d find this amusing but after everything he’d just witnessed and Kara’s revelation that he had only been gone for six months despite the eight years it felt like had him irritated. When he’d finally heard enough he spoke up.

“Guys…none of this would have been possible if I hadn’t been able to deactivate the Myriad inhibitor that was controlling Kara, and Caitlin hadn’t been the one to give us all the idea in the first place.”

All three of them fell silent upon realizing Barry had been listening all this time. As the atmosphere became more civil, Barry walked over to Winn and removed his mask so he could formally introduce himself.

“So Winn…?”

“Winn Schott…have to say that it’s an honor to meet you Flash…Kara was…she…”

“I have a feeling I know what she was going through. I’m glad she had you as a friend to help her. By the way, I noticed my symbol on the shoulders of her uniform. Your work?”

“Yes…yeah…she wanted them to honor your memory; Flash. I…”

“Winn, calm down. I know from Kara that this isn’t the first time you’ve met a superhero. And you can call me Barry.”

“Speaking of Kara; where is she Barry?”

“Helping with the last incarcerations of the D.E.O.’s escaped prisoners, Cisco.”

“You didn’t stay and help her?”

“She seemed to have things under control Winn, and with Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and his team there, I needed to get back here. I’ve got to see Jay off and since I haven’t officially met his protégé Jesse yet…I decided I should make the introduction in person. Harry?”

“She’s not my Jesse. But I think they should meet. The two of you should be able to help Garrick provide some insight into your powers and the Speed Force itself.”

As the four continued their conversation, Jay and Jesse came running into the Cortex where Cisco was preparing to open a breach. They had been gone from Earth-3 too long and hoped that nothing had gone wrong in their absence.

“Barry…this is Jesse Chambers or as she’s referred to on my Earth; Liberty Belle.”

“Jay…I told you, Liberty Belle was the name my mother went by. You know I prefer Jesse Quick.”

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