Chapter 17: Earth 3 and date night

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Barry was stunned, frozen in place as he processed what he had just been witness too. Watching the woman he was falling in love with and holding her as she died was devastating, he had no doubts it hurt ten times worse for his future self. From his vantage point he could see that Kara meant the world for him, that she was very possibly the love of his life. Barry didn’t even know where they were, or even what month it was until a newspaper was blown across his feet. The paper snapped him out of his trance as he bent down to pick it up. All that was left of the paper were a few shredded pages, and the name of the paper was gone. The title of the article and date were most of what remained.

“Project Cadmus unveils groundbreaking new discovery…February 5th, 2017? This can’t be…I…”

Before Barry could do anything else, another burst of lightning hit the ground behind him, opening another speed force portal. The power of the strike caused a shift in the gravity and created a vortex that pulled him back to present day. The future Barry, while still caught up in his grief, caught the flash of light out of the corner of his eye and remembered what happened. But the portal was closed before he could move, and he didn’t even want to as he was still holding on to Kara.

Back in his own time, Barry was once again on the road to Gotham. While he missed his Kara and really wanted to surprise her with date night, his impromptu trip to the future took precedence. Turning around; he raced back to Star Labs, rushing through the door and coming to a stop in front of his friends.

“Barry…what did I tell you! Go see Kara and…”

“I did see Kara…I just watched her die, Caitlin. Cisco, I need to get to Earth-3 right away.”

“Wait-wait a minute Barry. You were barely gone five minutes. How could you…”

“The Speed Force sent me to the future. Specifically five months from now, Cisco. That’s why I need to see Jay right now.”

There was an earnestness in Barry’s voice that no one could ignore. The terror behind his eyes dared his friends to challenge him, but thankfully none did. It took only a matter of seconds for Cisco and Harry to understand that in only a month, Kara had become so much more to Barry than just a friend and partner. Cisco had seen the beginnings at the karaoke bar, and silently agreed as he walked with Barry to the cortex.

“Barry, you know that…”

“Whatever you’re going to say Cisco, save it. We know so little about the Speed Force, but the spirits that control it or whatever they are, never do anything without a purpose.”

Cisco sighed, hoping that Barry knew what he was getting into, while praying Jay would have some answers or advice that would be helpful. He opened the breach, dropping them right into the middle of a fight between Jay and someone who looked like a better dressed version of their own Trickster.

“How many times do we have to do this Jesse? Every time you escape from prison, you always go back to your old ways. And you know what happens, I always stop you.”

“Because I give your life meaning, Flash. Where would you be without me?”

“Dealing with another criminal. Or…”

Jay paused as he saw Barry and Cisco standing in the background. Both had worried looks on their faces so as much as hurrying this along was against his better judgment, he handed the Trickster to the police.

“…helping a friend out with a problem. Officer, take him away. I’ll deal with him later; right now I’ve got more pressing business to attend to.”

The police loaded Trickster into the back of a squad car as Jay approached Barry and Cisco. The worried looks had remained, and he instinctively knew that the reason they were on his earth was not for a social call.

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