Chapter 26: Justice

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So…looks like we’re headed back to National City.”

“Wait Barry, the city is still dangerous. Despero could take control of me again, or use Myriad on me a second time. And since it works on meta-humans, you’d be at risk as well.”

“Yeah…not really.”


“Kara, my mind moves at super-speed. Makes it hard to sleep sometimes, but keeps me safe from mind control. I’ll have to tell you about Grodd someday.”

“What’s a Grodd?”

“Grodd is a telepathic gorilla, Kara. But Barry’s right, the mind control won’t have an effect on him…aside from his enhanced brain…your friend Winn and I took care of that. Show her Barry.”

Barry turned his head so Kara could see a small spot behind his right ear. She had felt the strange piece of metal during their kiss, but didn’t think anything of it as she was engulfed in her feelings.

“What is that?”

“Winn called it an inhibitor; inhibitor. I’m really going to have to teach him how to name things. The device protects the mind against outside interference. Can’t be mind-controlled if you’re wearing one.”

Cisco tossed a second one over to Kara and she immediately placed it behind her ear. It activated automatically and she instantly felt a calming presence in her mind. When she looked over at Barry, she knew he was feeling the same emotion before she heard his thoughts.

“Ready for round two, Supergirl?”


“What? Oh yeah…I took Winn’s design and enhanced it for the two of you. Barry…Kara…you’re now telepathically linked. Trust me; it will be beneficial in the fight.”

Kara smiled as she heard Barry’s next thoughts. Had she voiced them Cisco would have once again insisted they get a room. As it was; she just replied with an amused thought in return.

“You have no idea…but we’ll get to that after we finish off Cadmus.”

While Barry and Kara headed for National City, Cisco breached himself back to Star Labs with the Myriad inhibitor. He hoped that though Barry’s energy had deactivated it, he would still be able to find the frequency that Donovan had programmed in and be able to shut all of them down remotely.


“Harry, Winn…we’ve got one of the Myriad inhibitors. Barry was able to free Kara from Donovan’s mind control. If we figure out how he made this thing work, we can shut them down.”

“What do you mean if?”

Harry and Winn spoke at the same time, catching each other off guard. The three got to work immediately while the battle between the heroes and mind controlled meta-humans was entering the third hour. Lois was reporting on the battle from the Planet helicopter by phone while GBS News had sent their young reporter Tana Moon to cover the story as well.

“In earlier reports we stated that Supergirl had used her heat vision in an attack on a docked oil tanker. We’ve just been informed that the attacker wasn’t Supergirl at all, but someone pretending to be her. As of right now, we are waiting for those reports to be corroborated by the Girl of Steel herself, but she has not been seen since The Flash…”

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