Chapter 23: Confusing Miracle

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After getting over their initial shock, Caitlin, Cisco and Harry got Barry situated on the gurney. He was still covered in Kara’s cape as they rushed him to the medical wing. There was only enough room for Caitlin and Harry as they rushed around, getting him connected to verify his vitals. Kara and Cisco waited outside, hoping for some news. He stood watching them as she paced, her nervousness evident. Finally he had to take hold of her shoulders, hoping to calm her down.

“Kara…wearing a hole in the floor isn’t going to help. You’ve got to calm down.”

“How can I be calm? Barry was missing for six months, we all thought he was dead…now he comes back from who knows where and saves my life from Live Wire? Tell me how to be calm with that knowledge, Cisco.”

“Okay…I can’t actually do that. So tell me…who put the Flash lightning bolts on the shoulders of your uniform?”

“My friend Winn…he designed my Supergirl uniform. I had him do this so I could honor Barry. My plan was to protect both his city and mine.”

“Admirable, if I didn’t think you’d be wearing yourself thin.”

“Maybe so…but when Barry proposed I began to think of Central City as much my responsibility as his.”

“I guess I can’t argue with that. So what’s next?”

“Next…I hope Barry wakes up and he’s still my Barry.”

“You don’t have to worry about that Kara. Barry will always be Barry.”

“So you’re saying he’s incapable of change?”

Cisco got flustered as Kara looked over at him. He couldn’t tell if she was joking or not given that she had spent the last six months thinking Barry was dead, but then despite the worry evident on her face, she let a small smile peek through.

“You got me Kara…I have to say you’re taking this really well.”


Before Kara could finish, Caitlin and Harry stepped out of the room. He needed to make a trip back to his Earth for some equipment and left as Caitlin delivered the news.

“How is he Caitlin?”

“Physically he’s in perfect health, Kara. Vitals are strong, no signs of muscle atrophy. He responded well to outside stimuli…”

“Like what?”

“Electrical pulse, just to test his reflexes. Although…”


“His body seems to be carrying a massive electrical charge and his adrenaline levels are off the charts. I also ran an E.K.G. and his heart is beating faster than it should, but given that the Speed Force in his system burns up his energy faster, his heart would be pumping blood faster. I also have to say he’s showing heavy levels of brain activity.”

“Is that good or bad?”

“Difficult to say…won’t know until he wakes up. I’m more curious about the continuously spiking adrenaline. Is there anything that you can think of that would cause this?”

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