Chapter 13: Gotham and old enemies

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Aside from the rumor of Cadmus being once again operational that Clark had heard from Barry and Kara, he had another important reason for going to see Bruce. Perry White had heard that Wayne Enterprises was opening a new scientific research division later in the year. Perry knew that the Gotham Gazette would be covering the story but he wanted the Daily Planet in on the news as well. Clark’s first stop was Bruce’s office, but he had left Lucius Fox in charge for the day. This left Clark knowing that there was one other place Bruce would be on today of all days. He had undergone a biometric scan that granted him access to the one place Bruce knew no one would bother him, and only his closest allies were allowed.

“Bruce? I saw Lucius. I remember what today is, so I know you’re here.”

“What do you want, Clark? It seems that here lately you only stop by if you need something. I’d hazard a guess that White sent you here to cover Wayne Enterprises newest research division.”

“That is part of why I’m here, but again, Lucius gave me what I needed on that. No, I’m here because I need your help.”

Clark found Bruce in his training ring in the Bat-cave. He had set this new location up just after Jason Todd was murdered by the Joker. Batman used the location for focus as it was in a direct eye-line of the memoriam built for the second Robin. For a moment, Clark offered up his own moment of silence for the young man whose life was cut tragically short. Bruce hadn’t taken it well, once vowing to never take on another Robin, thus causing Batman to embrace a darker aspect of his own personality in his war on crime. Only Dick Grayson and the young prodigy Tim Drake had been able to snap Bruce out his grief when the latter used his own detective skills to discover that Bruce and Dick were in fact Batman and Robin.

“All right Clark, so you’re here for a social call. What can I do for you?”

“Actually it’s much more than that. You remember the article Lois and I wrote thanks to Harper about Cadmus?”

“I remember he risked everything by revealing all of the Project’s illegal experimentation and it cost a lot of scientists their careers.”


“I didn’t say I didn’t agree with Cadmus needing to be shut down, just the way it was ultimately handled.”

“I didn’t agree with it either, but there’s a problem.”

“Here’s why you’ve come to me.”

“You remember my cousin Kara.”

Bruce nods, he already knows this was not a question and he really doesn’t want to rehash their twelve year old disagreement over having her go with Diana to train with the Amazons, while Clark vehemently insisted that she be given as normal a life as possible to enjoy her childhood with the Danvers.

“She’s been working with the Flash…”

“An arrogant, hot-tempered smart-ass if I’ve ever seen one.”

“…yes, I heard the rumors as well. But I’ve met the kid, and he’s got guts and a really good heart.”

“Get to the point Clark…”

“Fine, he and Kara have both encountered dead meta-humans in Central City and National City. Their bodies had both suffered from what appear to be severe radiation burns.”

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