Chapter 12: Superman

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Kara took Barry back to her apartment where she quickly changed into a light t-shirt and a pair of jeans then tossed him some clothes to wear as well. He was amused when he unfolded them to see the same pair of sweats he had given her at their first meeting.

"I can't believe you kept these."

"Why wouldn't I? You did give them to me. I mean, they weren't the best gift I'd ever received, but I have to admit they're extremely comfortable and..."

"And what..."

"You're going to think this is silly..."

"No I won't. Come on Kara, tell me."

"Okay first, I use them to sleep in sometimes, and they smell like you."

"Uh...I'm not sure how to take that. Do I smell bad?"

"No you big dork. It's just, it's you. Knowing that you gave them to me and they carry some of your scent, well, it's just comforting. Don't ask me to explain it. It's just a good feeling."

"Guess I'll go get changed then. Be back in a flash..."

Kara just rolled her eyes at Barry's joke as he headed off to find her bathroom. When she knew he couldn't see her, she started tearing around the kitchen in nervous super-speed, looking for something for them to eat, and a couple of drinks. She knew her nervousness was kind of irrational because she had given him her apartment address, but didn't expect him to be here after just a week and a half. This was a big step for their building relationship, and he was in National as the Flash, so she calmed her nerves. She was glad he was there, and hoped he had some news on the Meta from Central that now had a counterpart in her city.


"In the kitchen, Barry. You hungry?"

"Only always, I burn four thousand calories every time I go out as the Flash. Have to keep my strength up."

"Okay, I'll find us something, so what else brought you to National?"

Barry was leaning over the kitchen counter as he watched Kara getting them snacks, thinking it was definitely a sight he could get used to. She was dressed casually and had her hair down instead of in the ponytail she wore at the karaoke bar.

"Well, I was on my way back from Star City where I have some friends."

"Star City? Where Barry has friends or the Flash has friends?"

"Both...I know Green Arrow and he has someone who works with him like Cisco does with me."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah, her name's Felicity Smoak, she's a tech genius. There's nothing she can't do when it comes to computers. After we first started working together and you had gone back to National, Cisco asked her for help with our first unknown Meta."

Kara turned around, putting her collecting food for them on hold. Barry had told her how frustrated he was getting with the case on their date, and she now had her attention focused in on him.

"Did Felicity find anything?"

"Well, she found out I met you. Don't worry I didn't tell her who you are."

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