Chapter 7:Feelings

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Kara almost took Caitlin’s advice and returned to National that day, but every time she went to leave, her heart kept her from going. She wouldn’t admit her real reasons to anyone so she stayed under the pretense of learning all she could from Jay about the Speed Force and the multiverse.

“Look Kara, I know this is all a lot to take in, and I have a feeling I did a better job explaining the Speed Force than I did the Multiverse.”

“No, you did fine Jay. I get that the Speed Force is what gives speedsters their powers. When tapped into you can run faster than the speed of light.”


“And the Multiverse was created after the Big Bang. Multiple Earths all sharing the same space in the universe but vibrating at different frequencies so they don’t interact.”

“That’s the basics of it. It’s really all I can tell you. I’m a chemist, not a theoretical physicist. So what else would you like to know?”

“Tell me how you met Barry. He told me some about Zoom, but I was wondering if I could hear your part in the story.”

“That is a long tale. May I ask, reporter’s interest?”

“Kind of, but also this Godspeed. He seemed to be faster than Barry. I guess I’m just trying to wrap my head around that since Barry is so much faster than me.”

“He’s faster than me too. Zoom’s sole desire was to be the fastest man alive in every universe. The man was deranged, he went from earth to earth stealing the speed from every speedster. I put up the best fight due to my years of experience, but I still lost. If not for Barry, I would have remained Zoom’s prisoner. He and the rest of Team Flash saved me.”

“He’s a good man.”

Jay could tell what Kara meant in reference to Barry, but decided not to push her to admit anything she wasn’t ready for. The look in her eyes when she said Barry’s name to the veteran speedster said all he needed to know. But they did have a more pressing topic at hand. Finding this new speedster was the only priority.

“As for Godspeed, I can only guess what he did to Barry. I have no idea why he’s so much faster. The only way we’ll get those answers is when Barry wakes up.”

“Yeah, and I don’t know if it’s worried you but it has me that Godspeed hasn’t shown his face since that night.”

“You’re not the only one kid. Trust me, he’ll show his face again. If he really has a vendetta against the Flash, he’s still out there, waiting for his next opportunity to strike.”

“Thanks Jay, you’ve been a great help. While Kara Danvers may be on assignment here in Central, Supergirl has to be seen in National City before my enemies find out I’m not there.”

“You do what you have to, Kara. I’m sure Barry will understand.”

Kara went to see Barry in his room before she left. He was still connected to the machines and although his vitals were strong, he still hadn’t woken up. It’s been three days now since Godspeed attacked and her worry didn’t decrease in any capacity. For a moment she sat down next to him, trying to find the courage to speak.

“I don’t know if you can hear me Barry, but Central City has been in good hands. Jay’s here, and I’ve been helping out. He really respects you as I’m sure you respect him. I know this is a bad time with Godspeed still out there, but I have to go back to National. I won’t be gone long, but I need to check in at the D.E.O. When I saw you were in a fight on the news I reacted impulsively and came to help. I don’t regret it at all because if I hadn’t you might not be here. Anyway, I have to go, I’ll see you soon. Just make sure you wake up when I get back.”

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