Chapter 4: CC jitters

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After Kara's demonstration of her abilities, Joe silenced any further questions on the matter, though he was still worried for Barry and gave his foster son a look that said we're not done with this conversation. Kara missed the look as she was introducing herself to Caitlin and Cisco. Caitlin treated Kara with respect while Cisco began his usual fanboy tirade of questions.

"So Kara, who named you Supergirl? Are you really Superman's cousin? Your powers, think we could get more of a demonstration in the Speed Lab? How can we..."

"Cisco! Breathe man; Kara is here to help us. I'm sure she'd be happy to answer all of your questions. But she's due back in National City and we do have a killer to catch."

"You're right Barry, you're right. I'm sorry I just got over excited. Caitlin; why don't you take this?"

"Right, Barry, Kara if you'll follow me, I have a few more answers on the Meta that was killed."

"I'm coming too..."

"Cisco, we'd be happy to have your help, but we need you to..."

"I know, I know...track the bad guy. But I call first dibs on naming him!"

Cisco got to work as the trio left the control room to examine the victim, along the way Kara couldn't help but laugh at Cisco's antics, causing Barry and Caitlin to look at her questioningly.

"Kara, what's so funny?"

"Not much Barry, it's just your friend Cisco, he reminds me so much of a friend of mine. Winn, he's just as much of a tech head, I hope I'm using that term correctly, I can't help but think the two of them would get along."

"We'll have to introduce them then. Anyway Barry, Kara, we weren't able to get any identification on our victim. I mean he is definitely meta-human, but he's got no record of ever living in Central City."

"Then how does he have powers? The particle accelerator caused the meta-humans in Central. This doesn't make sense."

"I'm still working on that, It's possible however unlikely that his powers came from another outside source."

"When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable must be the truth."

Barry and Caitlin both stopped and turned towards Kara after she finished the quote. Caitlin's reaction was one of quiet amusement as Barry's jaw dropped open in shock.

"What? Barry; you didn't think you were the only person here who has an admiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes did you? Those crime stories were what inspired me to look deeper as I tried to become a reporter in my outside of the cape life. My adoptive father read them to me in an effort to help me assimilate to earth."

Kara started walking again leaving Barry and Caitlin to catch up. Not being aware of Kara's super hearing Caitlin whispered to Barry what was meant to be a joke in regards to their new companion.

"Jeez Barry, how could you possibly have found another person as obsessed with detectives and solving crimes as you?"

"I heard that."

Kara called back making Caitlin blush in embarrassment as she and Barry hurried to catch up. Her embarrassment quickly turned back to scientific curiosity because although she was still working on identifying the origin of the victim's powers, she found something even more intriguing upon a second examination.

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