Chapter 24: Hostile takeover

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Kara spent the next few weeks at Star Labs with Barry. While Joe and Iris often came to check in and Caitlin, Cisco and Harry kept monitoring his progress, those weeks felt like they were really catching up on the past six months. Even if in her heart Kara knew that he may not remember any of this when he got better, she still found herself falling in love with him all over again. She spoke Kryptonian more often when it was just the two of them, and lapsed into it on a few occasions when Felicity called her with an update on the hunt before remembering to switch back to English.

Then things changed, Kara was just leaving the Pipeline to give Cisco some time with Barry, all of them had been talking with him in the hopes that he would get back to his old self when Alex called.


“Kara, we need you back at the D.E.O. J’onn insists that it’s urgent.”

“Barry’s making progress Alex, I think in some way our conversations in Kryptonian are really helping him. If I leave now…he might regress…I…”

“Kara…I know how difficult this is. I know what leaving Barry could do…but we’ve got our first solid lead on Cadmus in weeks. If this one is the big one…the one where we find them…we can end this.”

Kara was torn, she didn’t want to leave Barry, but if he weren’t still in the state he’s in, he’d tell her to go. He’d actually be right there with her. He told her early on in their relationship that he supports her both as Kara and Supergirl, and that would never change. Though reluctant, she knew that Cadmus had to be stopped and if this was the best chance they had, she was going to make it happen.

As she was suiting up, Harry came to see her with his own findings on Cadmus. He had been agonizing over everything Felicity had sent, looking for any possible clues and finally found something. Like Alex had told her, he also had a solid lead.


“What is it Harry?”

“Smoak has been extremely thorough in her digging. She’s had so many hits on where Cadmus could be potentially operating from; I thought all of them were going to be dead ends…”

“Because we’ve been hit with so many already.”

“Yes, but this latest find…the geographical coordinates indicate that the resources, the land, even the power lines that were disconnected from the electrical grid could have easily been repurposed to serve Donovan’s needs.”

“Then I’ll take this with me to the D.E.O. With our information and theirs…”

“Wait a minute Danvers…that’s not all.”

“What else is there?”

“Ramon and I ran a thermographic scan of the area from a Star Labs satellite that my Earth-1 doppelganger had launched into orbit before Thawne killed him and took his place. The scan was taken late at night, and as this location is near the desert, heat signatures would be prevalent as…”

“…temperatures in the desert can easily reach the freezing point with no structures to absorb the heat of the day.”

“Bingo…being with Allen has really rubbed off on you. Not that I don’t think that you could have…”

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