Chapter 1

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Author's POV

"I can't do this," You said sternly, as you slammed your fist on the dining table making the cutlery move against the timber.

It made your mom look at you with a troubled expression. She knew this was all you could do against your dad's stubborn decision. Your dad remained calm, didn't even bother to glance over to see your expression.

As if your words did leave your tongue but never made it to their ears.

"You have no other option," your dad said, his voice lacking emotions.

"How can you trade your daughter for money!?" you yelled, losing your temper.

You were The Min Yoona, the only precious girl child of The Mins. You never thought you would be shoved into a stupid arranged marriage. So, money was the only possible reason you could think of.

"I'm not selling you off, Jimin is kind and soft-hearted, he would make a perfect husband," he said in a calm and convincing tone while putting down his fork and wiping his mouth in the usual sophisticated manner. "Think about it well, I left his picture at your desk, check it out," he said and left the table to go sleep.

"Dad, just because he is husband material, I can't marry him!" You wailed as he ignored you and kept on walking towards his room.

"Honey, at least meet him once. If you don't like him, we definitely won't compel you" your mother said.

"Why is Dad so obsessed with this Jimin guy? If he likes that guy so much why doesn't he marry him" you said, throwing a fit like an annoying teenager.

You loved your family, they supported you and your dreams, but this whole sudden arranged marriage was not acceptable. You are the one who has to live with the guy, you should be the one choosing him.

You entered your room and threw yourself on your bed. You looked up to see an envelope resting on your bedside table.

You contemplated if you should open it or not. You were about to pick the envelope when you saw a file, it said,

"future husbandé"

And you just knew it, it would be this Jimin guy's bio prepared by your dad. He and his not-at-all funny dad jokes.

You opened it up to see.


Future Husbandé

Name: Park Jimin

Age: 25

(birthday- 13 October 1995, memorize it!)

Went to your high school.

Son of my old friend.

Graduated from Hanguk Business University.

CEO of the Park Corp.

Caring, sweet and soft-spoken

Husband material

Approved by DAD :)


You had made up an image of him already, a hot intimidating rich CEO who is always dressed in black for no specific reason. Surrounded by beautiful ladies and alcohol 24/7.

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