Chapter 12

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Jimin pulled over the car in front of an amusement park. It was huge and was filled with amazing rides. Screams from the fast roller coaster filled your ears.

"This is where we went on our first date," Jimin said

"Let's go in!" You said excitedly

They parked the car and went in.

It was filled with people of all ages. You both bought your tickets and ran inside the Amusement Park, holding hands.

"Where do you wanna go first?" He asked

And your eyes started wandering around the huge place, the way a cat looks at a fishbowl.

"The roller coaster!!" You said while pointing at the huge scary roller coaster. The screams from it overpowered the sound of the actual ride.

"Are you sure you wanna go?" He asked in a worried tone.

"Oh yeah"

"You need to have a strong heart like mine to go there."

"Let's check if I do, let's go!"

"The last time you rode that thing, you puked your guts out."

You didn't reply and just pulled him towards the roller coaster.

"Roller coaster UOoOuo Roller coaster UoouOuoU, I need your love UOoOuo baby your love OuoUuuOU~~~(roller coaster by chungha)" you sang happily sitting on the rollercoaster.


Jimin was tightly holding your hand. Definitely feeling unsure.

The ride slowly started and later gained momentum. "I don't really feel very good about THISSSSSSS! ARGHHHHHHH!!!" Jimin screamed

*a few moments later*

"Oppa, you okay?" You said while rubbing Jimin's back as he stood straight up after puking his guts out.

He stood up and walked towards the sink and rinsed his mouth well.

"I told you it was a bad idea. I simply hate throwing up," he said as he leaned onto the counter. He suddenly blanked out for a second or so.

"What happened?" You asked him.

"Is there some kind of medical term for vomiting?"

" can call it emesis or if you are looking for a fancier word...then maybe retroperistalsis"

"Well, that does sounds fancy"

"Why are you asking me all of a sudden?"

"For educational purposes"

You looked at him who suddenly started admiring himself. Your mind went "cueing a taunt at 3. 2. 1."

"You need to have a strong heart like mine to go there" you taunted him, as he silently wiped his mouth with a tissue.

"Do I smell?" He asked while opening his mouth widely close to my face.

"Ewww get away from me!" You pushed him away from your face.

He laughed at your reaction.

"Then how am I supposed to check if I'm smelling or not?" He said still laughing at how weird this conversation was.

"Hmm...lick your wrist and smell it"

"The heck? Do you expect me to do that?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Yeah it's a blind date tip, I'm sure it works"

Jimin slowly bought his wrist close to his mouth with an unsure expression on his face, with his eyes glued to you. And licked it.

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