Chapter 16

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Author's POV

You turned to look at his fuming face, you tried to get away from his clasp but his grip just tightened around your wrist.

"Let me go, you are hurting me," you said as you try to shake away his hand.

"No, you are hurting me, as usual," he said with anger-filled eyes, as he released the grip.

"What did-"

"What does Jimin have that I don't?" He said through his gritted teeth.

"I'm good to you, I care for you, I love you" he declared.

"You were supposed to be with me, I saw you first, I loved you first!" He said as he grabbed your shoulder tightly.

He was shouting angrily. The sound from the TV was overpowered by his voice. You just backed off, at this particular moment you were genuinely scared of him. You slowly moved away from him.

"Don't go, I won't let you this time" he said as he gripped your hand again.

You felt a small throbbing pain in your head, another painful and unregistered déja Vu. You closed your eyes and rubbed your hands over your forehead as an attempt to ease the pain.

Taehyung entered the destroyed apartment as if he owned it.

"Taehyung-shi? Please save me!" you cried.

"Yoona, I will save you." He said as he took a step forward you. "I'll make you mine, after we get rid of the unnecessary pests"

"Yah! Untie her, look how uncomfortable she looks!" He ordered Woobin.

As soon as he untied you, you attempted to get away. A cold hand halted you, your eyes met his knowing gaze.

"Don't go, I won't let you"

"What are you talking about?"

"I confessed Yoona. You are mine now, all we need to do now is kill that Jimin and then we can live 'happily ever after'" he said with a psychotic smile.

"What do you mean kill? Have you gone crazy? Leave me!" You said as you jerked his hand away.

He tightened his clasp on your hand, "Tie her back, finish him off, after that take her to my lodge in Daegu"

"Are you alright?" He asked in a sudden soft tone.

The bell rang, causing both of you to flinch, you were more than just happy with the fact now you would be free from this tight situation you are stuck in.

Taehyung sighed as you made a run and opened the door, your expression tightened to see Jimin and someone else who was standing behind him.

Yoona's POV

Keeping the genuine trust I had on him aside, I decided to develop an ego that would probably give me the courage to do something I had to do for myself, break up with him. He was the owner of my heart who always rules my thoughts but if today I don't stand up for my thoughts and my hurt feelings, I'll for sure regret it for the rest of my life. His love mattered a lot but today I decided to place myself before it.

I had spent most of yesterday night sorting out thoughts. I took all that Jimin ever said and did into consideration from day 1,

He made me comfortable in his house.

He confessed about his feelings.

He took good care of me.

He expressed his feelings with gentle actions.

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