Chapter 9

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Author's POV

"Die bastard!" Woobin said as he punched back Jimin harder.

Jimin's back hit the cold wallpapered wall. He looked at the figure in front of him, those eyes wanted nothing less than the end of him.

Jimin tried punching Woobin again, harder. He escaped the punch and quickly picked up the wooden chair that laid in the middle of the room.

He didn't think twice before thrashing it on Jimin's back forcefully. A pain-filled grunt left his mouth as his knee met the cold apartment floor. He was in pain all because of you. That was the only thing in your mind.

"How dare you snatch my Yoona away from me" Woobin mumbled as he pulled onto Jimin's t-shirt, his words fumed Jimin. He punched him in the stomach making him stumble. He pinned Woobin to the wall with his hand around his neck.

"Your Yoona? Are you hearing yourself?"

" she yours? Do you treat her like that? Right! Your cheating ass simply can't find the time for it, understandable" Woobin said through his gritted teeth, sarcastically making Jimin tighten his hands around his mortal enemy's throat.

They were both hurt, blood oozing out of their faces. Woobin somehow was defending himself sufficiently and you almost physically felt the panic spread across your body.

Despite the bloody wounds and pain, they didn't stop fighting each other, and eventually, guilt got the best of you.

"STOP!" You shouted causing the males in your direction. "It's all because of me, right? Then let's end it here"

With that, you jumped out of the balcony behind you.

You woke up damp in a cold sweat, again, but this time, in the middle of a neurology lecture. You sat in one of the back seats so you were sure no one would have noticed you dozing off and that's all that was important to you. You were terrified even though it was not the first time you got this same repetitive nightmare.

It always feels new.

You sat up straight, your heart still racing. You rested your hands on the table scratching its side with hopes it would stop these uneasy feelings inside you, and looked around the class of uninterested students and a boring teacher.

You looked at the clock and realized that the class will continue for 20 more minutes so you tried concentrating on the on-going class.

"Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or the Lou Gehrig's disease causes the death of neuron controlling voluntary muscles" the professor continued

Let's just borrow Da-Hye's notes.

At that moment you realized you managed to bring along that one mysterious object. You pulled the hard covered brown notebook out of your bag, your hands trembled as you opened the book. The first page had the following words written in bold black ink, which was enough to kill any remaining guilt of stealing this book from Jimin.

Property of MIN YOONA

It was a diary.

You started reading it.

Dear Diary

Happy birthday to Me!!!!

I turned 16 today...

I had always been curious about being 16 let's see how my life changes.

You flip the page, there weren't any long diary entries just these short ones precisely highlighting the things that are supposed to be highlighted.

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