Chapter 8

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Your days were no longer as normal as they used to be...You wake up draped in Jimin's arms. He has proved to be a very cheesy person who just compliments you a lot with straight forward yet greasy statements.

He sometimes picks up your outfits and once even tried to do your make up... Well, he tried. He knows how to tie his own tie but he always insists for you to do that, so it's now part of your morning routine. You make breakfast together and decorate each other's plates.

Today, Jimin made you a heart-shaped omelet...It was cute. Then he dropped you to college like he has been doing for 2 weeks now.


You entered the university building with a wide grin on your face. Thanks to your boyfriend. You were literally living a teenage girl's daydreams from all those cuddles to the good old morning kisses. Then you realize, this was all supposed to a mere preview. But never did you mention it to him, seriously never. You smiled to yourself at how you somehow always end up thinking about him.

You would love to think more about your man if it weren't for the familiar figure that caught your eyes.

It was him, the guy from that night.

He stood in a distance. Everything about him was so intriguing, in the worst way possible. Who was he and what did he exactly want from you?

You had two options, go away and pretend you never saw him or go to him and get your answers.

His appearance wasn't very welcoming. His features were clearer under the hallway lights, he looked like someone who could've been cast in the movie Parasite. He looked ordinary but the vibe surrounding him made you rethink.

He didn't really look like he was ready to answer any questions. But you decided to approach him. It was a bad decision but the look in his eyes was enough to justify your action.

His eyes were motive-less, they showed no hard emotion neither hate nor disgust, which would have been ok if he was just a stranger passing by, but he wasn't, he tried to kidnap you the other day. For someone who wanted to harm you his eyes were rather soft as they eventually met yours. He did nothing, just watched you walk towards him. The questions inside you increased.

"Yoona, let's not make it harder than it already is. Just come with me"

"It's for our best"

"How is me being kidnapped the best for everyone?" You questioned yourself.

All the events from that day came back to you, then as soon as the image of a hurt Jimin entered your mind, you stopped.

That day, he had saved you. He was hurt because of you. Which made the guy in front of you finally look like a potential danger to you. You obviously didn't want yourself to get abducted or get Jimin fight with this guy in order to protect you. So, you subtly acted as if you were lost, you asked a girl who was behind him next to her locker to help you which she did. You were satisfied with your performance and started to walk away to your class.

It would've been nice if that had been the end of it. As you walked in the middle of the somewhat crowded hallway, you heard a pair of shoes followed you. You turned back and at that moment your eyes met his. He didn't stop neither did he flinch, he just walked towards you with the same questionable look in his eyes.

Your body almost automatically started to move away, out of fear. Your steps quickened as you entered your lecture hall and took a seat. He didn't follow you there but did come in after a few minutes. With still five minutes till the lecture, you focused on the blank pages of your notebook as if your eyes weren't secretly following the guy who had entered the room and was probably looking for you.

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